Tips for Staying Stuck

As we move into the New Year, I thought it might be helpful to republish my tips for how to stay stuck. After all, we don’t all want to move forward, grow, or create resolutions. Some of us just want to stay stuck and I would like to offer a few tips to support these people.


When I’m tired, my mind plays back every single moment of the day Joe died. The second-guessing starts. Could have, would have, should have sends me spiraling into feelings of sadness, guilt, fear and anger.

Perfectly capable of managing how I am feeling, I could change the direction of my feelings and head towards happy instead of sad, innocence instead of guilt, bravery instead of fear, and forgiveness instead of anger, but sometimes I just want to stay stuck.

In an effort to offer my support to all those who would just like to stay stuck, I have come up with a few tips that I have found helpful.

  • First, I need to caution you: Do not appreciate these tips. You cannot appreciate something and stay stuck at the same time. Appreciation is the arch-enemy of staying stuck. This is so important, I must say it again. APPRECIATION IS THE ARCH-ENEMY OF STAYING STUCK. Trust me.

I will now offer you the next tip. Please, no enthusiasm.

  • Hang out with friends who offer you plenty of agreement about how awful your life really is. I hate it when I am really enjoying feeling stuck and a friend says, “Gosh your hair looks great today!”  It’s much better to hang with friends who, at the very least, look at you with concern and ask, “How are you sleeping?”
  • Don’t laugh. It’s impossible to stay stuck and laugh at the same time. Maybe you will be luckier than I am, unfortunately, I have very funny and often irreverent family and friends. Yelling, “It’s not funny!” won’t help. You might as well just give up. Laugh, and stuck leaves. Stuck requires the self-discipline of staying grim.
  • Offend easily and make sure you replay the offense over and over again in your head. Forgive the self-checkout machine at the grocery store for saying, “Return item to cart. Item not scanned,” and your days of being stuck are limited. Forgive and move forward? Do you really want to risk it?
  • Don’t allow yourself to be distracted. Focusing on how bad things are and how they are never, ever going to improve will help keep you stuck. If you allow yourself to be distracted by someone else’s plight or problem, you will quickly lose your sticky grip. Sometimes a friend will try to help you back into stuckness by offering, “I know my problems are nothing compared to what you are going through,” but the damage is done. Helping others is a very poor way to stay stuck. Avoid helping others.
  • Allowing yourself to feed on a steady diet of worst-case scenarios will help you stay stuck. Stuck loves friends who share things like, “Kids who lose parents are far more prone to drug use.”  Staying stuck is impossible if you hang around with friends who insist on noticing how well you are negotiating your life and insist on saying positive things to you. You may think you can resist those positive efforts, but once positive seeds are planted, your days of being stuck are limited. Avoid positive people whenever possible. The world is an unsafe, unhappy place. Make sure you are reminded of this reality as often as possible. People who say, “Have a Nice Day!” are out to get you.

Staying stuck is trickier than it might seem. I hope these tips help. However, if you have glued yourself down firmly and given stuck your best effort, only to have the adhesive ripped out from under you, there is only one thing left to do. Look directly at the offender and say, “I was just in the middle of feeling guilty, angry, and afraid, and you made me feel better. Thanks a lot! I hope you’re happy now.”  And then do the only thing left to do. Sigh and move along.

What keeps you Stuck?

Glad you were in my Odd neighborhood. Feel free to drop by any time. I would love to hear from you in the comment section of this blog, or on Facebook or Twitter!


8 thoughts on “Tips for Staying Stuck

    • Thanks Wendy. I do get stuck which is the place this post came from but I am lucky enough to have friends who will put up with me for only so long before they give me a swift kick–followed by a hug. I know its hard for them not to let me wallow sometimes but I am very glad they don’t!
      Yes the poor cow–I think it was rescued promptly by Famer Dell!

  1. I agree with Wendy. If I was stuck, I would be unstuck once I visited you and I have no intentions of not visiting so I guess I’ll keep moving forward. Hugs, Diane

  2. Well I don’t know what to say or feel after reading this. I do not think stuck is an option if you have a child moving forward at rapid speed! There will be dates and dances and ACT test, driving, college exploration and you will not have a chance to be stuck! You will move forward day by day and you will succeed in everything you set your mind to. You will not receive any negative thoughts and life will be grand!

    • Hi Nancy
      So true, kids do have a tendency to keep you moving forward. But sometimes, its easy to get stuck in old mindsets, or outdated ideas (at least for me). And what about after the kid leave–I worry about getting stuck in mom mode and not knowing what to do with myself.

  3. I have only met you twice but I read what you write daily. You are a scintilating woman who will never be stuck but opening doors of opportunities when you are ready. Happy New Year my friend. My prayer for you is that you walk in God’s special favor. Luv Nancy

  4. I will be glad to kick you anytime you need me to. I say that with all the love thats due you. That poor cow though probley wishes she hadnt tried to get that greener grass on the other side. 😀

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