Christmas Toys

Club House

In the beginning….Cole asked Santa for a “play house”

Power Ranger Costumes….

Doxie 0029

A Batman car (yes, that is Joe’s foot–naturally he wants a turn)

Bat cars

Tree Blocks

Doxie 0027

Matching reindeer ears for GrandMarcie…How could I leave this out??

Doxie 0031

This year Cole asked Santa for a Zippo lighter and  he wasn’t disappointed on Christmas Morno. We filled his Zippo with butane, and soon he was bouncing out of his room to say, “Watch me Mom, Watch this Mom.” So I watched and applaude. It’s what Mom’s do…

Zippo from Katybeth on Vimeo.

Time has marched on; the Christmas toys have changed but the smile has remained the same and always makes his Mother’s heart sing. However, if he burns a hole in anything with that zippo, I’m going to Zippo him! Just sayin’….

Odd Loves Company


8 thoughts on “Christmas Toys

  1. I guess if he’s old enough to build fences, make Thanksgiving dinner, write dialogues, drive a car, he’s old enough for a Zippo. After all, he’s a fireman’s grandson.

  2. fireman’s grandson……ok then. that’s where dexterity comes into play here! did cole’s friends also request zippos?
    such straight hair & now super curly???

    • Not sure but I think Zippos are popular among the teen set. Cole’s hair was blond and straight when he was little and brown and curly by the time he was 13. Odd. I know.

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