The Aflac duck, one of the most-recognized advertising creatures (known primarily for his “AFLAC!” shout), was recently silenced.
The voice of the duck, actor/comic Gilbert Gottfried, was recently fired by Aflac after he posted comments on Twitter about the Japan disaster that were deemed insensitive.
The “Aflac duck” then posted on Facebook: “Gilbert Gottfried’s insensitive comments about the tragedy in Japan have left me speechless. But not for long.”
The company is searching for a new spokesduck; or, at least, for a new duck voice.
I think we have found their duck; or, more specifically, their quack.
Kristy, a Facebook friend that often quacks me up, has decided that the time has come to realize her calling her calling and her passion, and would like to take her moment and shine! Kristy will step forward and answer the call of the duck!
Here is how you can help Kristy become the next AFLAC Quack: Watch the video (it will quack you up), “like” the video on You Tube, and then leave her an encouraging comment on Odd. Sharing the video on your Facebook page and Twitter would also be appreciated. There is no guarantee that by liking Kristy’s You Tube audition video you will influence the AFLAC duck people. It is not a contest, it’s an audition, but you know what they say: “What the Quack, it can’t hurt!”
Wait, you need to know who you are really cheering on! Kristy is a mom with teen kids who lives in Indiana and works at a fertility clinic helping other families realize their dreams. She likes softball and Glee, and her favorite quotation is, “Love one another.” Most importantly, her passion is quacking.
Please….Like, Comment, Share. Quack you very much!
wow! she is really good!
ya got my vote. : )
Wow–Kristy you speak Quack like a pro…I can not believe that AFLAC could do better than you!!
Good Luck
This is great. Even without the signs I would have recognized the emotion….the quacks had real range.
Go Kristy!
Kb you really missed your calling as a talent scout. Yes! Kristy should be the next Aflac Quack and you should be her agent. Now get a quack on.
Gee I thought I had a chance-I mean my quack is pretty good but no where near as good as Kristy. Who did she study with? Obviously she has spent years training for this moment. Was Donald one of her role models?
Do you suppose Kristy would be open to Quack tutoring?-of-course now she might be to busy.
Good Luck Kristy!
Hey, Kristy, you’re a quacker at this!! ! wish we had the AFLAC duck in Australia, we’re really missing out! Plus I’d love the chance to say, ‘yes, I know that lovely lady, Kristy!’ when you become famous.
Sorry I must have missed this earlier today but I am so pleased I caught it before bedtime it quacked me up!
Nancy I had a feeling you would like a good quack–and I am NOT talking about your politics.
I’ve never been a GG fan…I’m sure Kristy would do a much better job! Good quack with the audition!
I will pass along your words of encouragement. Kristy really does have an excellent Quack.
I thought you’d be working to turn your snort into a quack and here you are recommending someone else!
I saw that they’re advertising for the job.
You have “AFLAC” talent girl! Great sound effects!
I think she has amazing talent!! I am astonished someone did not grab her up a long time ago but now with web exposure she is gonna get her big beak!
Oh God, I just get better and better!
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