~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
February 9,2012
Updated: February 9, 2013
★~ Today’s Quote: The bagel is a lonely roll to eat all by yourself because in order for the true taste to come out you need your family. One to cut the bagels, one to put on the cream cheese and the lox, one to put on the red onion and capers, one to put them on the table and one to supervise.” Gertrude Berg (1899-1966)
★~Toothache Day:
If you have a toothache and are waiting for your dental appointment, you might want to pray (if you’re so inclined) to Apollonia, the “patroness of all those employed in alleviating dental pain.” The story of Apollonia is not for the faint of heart, so I’ll let you explore the link on your own (Georgetown University). Odd hopes that after your trip to the dentist, you are flashing your pearly whites and smiling ear to ear.
★~ Read in the Bathtub Day:
Break out the rubber ducky, turn on the water, and soak up the suds and subplots. I’m the kind of person who folds back pages and uses books for coasters, so I’ve never worried about a few splashes on my books or even dropping them in the tub — a blow dryer straightens those pages right out (I know you just took me off your library lending list). However, a waterlogged Kindle is a whole other story, so if you’re using your Kindle to read in the tub, you might want to protect it with a waterproof case. Holding a book at sea level can also be hard on the arms, so you might want to invest in an Aquala bamboo bathtub caddy from Umbra. The caddy not only holds your book but also has a wine glass or little Coke holder. The only thing left to make Read in the Bathtub Day even more perfect is a piece of cake. Eating a piece of cake while reading in the bathtub sipping on a little Coke or a glass of wine will float the fiction right out of your life. Really.
★~ Pizza Pie Day:
Chicago is famous for deep-dish pizza, which is a combination of traditional pizza, pie, and casserole. A cast-iron pan, usually about two inches deep, is lined with dough, forming vertical outside edges, and then filled with tomato sauce, cheese, and whatever toppings make your heart happy. By tradition, Chicago is a meat-centric former stockyard city, and all forms of meat rule here, especially sausage. Some people think deep-dish pizza is heavy and hard to eat, but it’s not. When done right, it has a light, flaky, buttery crust, which is just thick enough to hold all the sausage, a pound of cheese, and the tomato.
If you don’t live in Chicago or aren’t lucky enough to be visiting on Pizza Pie Day, we feel a little sorry for you (if you live in Albuquerque, we weep for you) because you are pizza pie handicapped, and there is not a whole lot we can do to help you. We are hopeful that you have a favorite pizzeria where you can order up some pizza to celebrate the day. Or maybe you should just skip the pizza and have bagels and lox instead.
★~ National Bagels and Lox Day:
What are you waiting for? Schlep over to the deli and order a bagel schmeared with cream cheese, and have them add lox (a thinly sliced salmon fillet that has been cured) and top it off with red onion and capers. Now you have a delicious bagel sandwich that is sweet, smooth, and a little bit salty. Nosh on!
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1870 – U.S. National Weather Service was established.
♥~ 1963 – The very first Boeing 727 took off. It became the world’s most popular way to fly. 1,832 of the aircraft were built before production stopped in 1984.
♥~ 1964 – Several days after their arrival in the U.S., the Beatles made the first of three record-breaking appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show. The audience viewing the Fab Four was estimated at 73,700,000 people in TV land. The Beatles sang She Loves You and I Want to Hold Your Hand. One could barely hear the songs above the screams of the girls in the audience.
♥~ 1987 – Twenty years after the first woman was admitted to the New York Stock Exchange, the Exchange Luncheon Club decided to install a ladies restroom!
♥~ 1997 – The Simpsons became the longest-running prime-time animated series. The record was previously held by The Flintstones.
★~Born Today:
♥~ 1914 – Gypsy Rose Lee (Rose Hovick) actress, dancer, stripper: You Can’t Have Everything, The Trouble with Angels, The Stripper, My Lucky Star; subject of Broadway show & film:Gypsy; sister of actress, June Havoc
♥~ 1942 – Carole King (Klein) songwriter, singer: Loco-motion, It Might as Well Rain Until September, It’s Too Late, Jazzman
♥~ 1943 – Joe Pesci Academy Award-winning actor: Goodfellas [1990]; Raging Bull, My Cousin Vinny, Hey, Let’s Twist!, Star Time Kids, Half Nelson
♥~ 1945 – Mia Farrow (Maria de Lourdes Villers) actress: Peyton Place, Hannah and Her Sisters, Rosemary’s Baby; ex-Mrs. Frank Sinatra; ex-Mrs. Woody Allen
♥~ 1949 – Judith Light actress: One Life to Live, Who’s the Boss, Phenom
♥~ 1963 – (James) Travis Tritt Grammy Award-winnning singer: vocal collaboration w/Marty Stuart [1993]; Anymore, Can I Trust You with My Heart, Help Me Hold On; appeared in: Rio Diablo, The Cowboy Way, Sgt. Bilko, Tales From The Crypt,
★~ Did You Know:
♥~ Bagels were invented during the 16th century in Poland as a type of lean bread to be eaten during Lent.
♥~ Bagel ingredients include: yeast, salt, a little sweetening agent like sugar or molasses, and high-gluten flour, rolled out and kneaded until the dough is the right texture. It’s formed into circles and—here’s where they become bagels—briefly simmered in water, which is what makes the surface shine. A true bagel is boiled, then baked.
♥~ Jewish families often ate bagels every Saturday evening at the conclusion of the Sabbath because the bagels could be baked very quickly.
♥~ One piece bagel lore claims bagels were made with a hole because it saved on ingredients, making it an economical food choice for poor people.
♥~ Another theory is bagels were made with a hole, in New York at the turn of the 20th century, to enabled bakers to stack bagels on long sticks, making them easier to deliver to customers.
♥~ The bagel, lox and cream cheese trifecta didn’t hit the majority of tables until the 1950’s when Family Circle magazine published a recipe for the combo, and according to Richard Horwich,
♥~ In 1951, the bagel made its big debut in the Broadway comedy Bagel and Yox.
♥~ Here is a little yiddish trivia for you—a yuk (plural yok) is a belly laugh
♥~ And…may you be so lucky that you never have a daughter or son that puts bacon, egg and cheese on their toasted bagel and makes Bubie spin in her grave.
This video has nothing to do with today but it made made me giggle yesterday–a little nervously.
I really hope my I-Phone does not turn on me today but just in case I am not using it in the bathtub!
Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! If you have a Morno moment leave a comment–
Odd Loves Company.
I think it should also be ‘go to auto show day’ for you!
It will be on Saturday. Cole wrote an e-mail for me to send to your helpful hubby which I will send today! Thanks Dawn. Have a great day!
I shower. In my book, Soggy books and cake aren’t much of a celebration but I guess each to their ODD own.
Lox and Bagels, Pizza Pie on the other hand make it a great day. And it’s Thursday this week is winding up.
Have a good one.
Fine Mike but if you don’t read and eat cake in the tub at least once…you just don’t know what you are missing!
Enjoy your Lox and Bagels.
I had no idea that yuk was Yiddish.
Reading in the bathtub. . . ahhhh!!! Soaking in the tub is one of my favorite things. I love to read there, but have been known to nod off and drop the book. I need a bathtub book holder. I don’t think my husband is willing….
Too Funny!!!
Send the Amazon link for a bathtub caddy to your children and on the next gift giving occasion your soggy book days are over! It even folds up so it does not take up much space. Cole gave me one a few years ago and I love it. Oh, and tell them not to forget a pillow if you don’t already have one!
I love a good bath, but I hate reading in there. It pisses me off to get the pages wet. A little anal-retentive, you suppose?
Might I direct your attention to the link for the lovely bambo bathtub caddy–I am beginning to wonder if this one should be an affiliate link :-)–it would it seems make the idea Mothers Day or Birthday present for you. Or perhaps even Valentines Day. Nothing says I love you like a bathtub book caddie that is functional and has a fold away space saving feature.
Interesting bathtub contraption, but I prefer a quick shower. I never remember which one uses more water, though! Pizza is good any time, especially if it’s a Chicago deep-dish pizza!