~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
March 25, 2012
★~ Today’s Quote: “Little by little, one travels far”
★~ Tolkien Reading Day:
A day dedicated to reading the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Celebrated on the fictional anniversary of the downfall of Sauron, the shape-shifting antagonist in the Rings, the day was originally suggested by columnist Sean Kirst of the Syracuse, New York, Post-Standard newspaper. He has since organized Tolkien reading days every year since 2008.
★~Pecan Day:
Love pecans! My grandfather used to grow them on his farm in the west Texas town of El Paso, and when I was growing, up our freezer was filled with large bags of shelled pecans that my mom used frequently in her coffee cakes and desserts. I would eat them by the handful. I had no idea what a treasure those pecans were until I grew up and bought my first tiny bag of them and gasped at the price. For heaven’s sakes! I thought pecans grew on trees! When I mentioned my horror to my sweet mom, she reminded me that those bags of pecans lining our freezer shelf had not been delivered by the pecan fairy but had been raked up, picked up, and shelled by the men and women who came each year to work the farm. Pecans were a lot of work to harvest. Oh. I liked being a dumb little kid. I still love pecans, but not by the handful anymore.
★~International Waffle Day:
“Lego my Eggo” No waffling on this holiday. Waffle Day is not only celebrated in America but also in Sweden. It originated in Sweden as Våffeldagen. The holiday coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation and it is considered to be the start of spring for both Sweden and France.
★~ Today in History:
♥~1954 – Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began commercial production of TV sets that were equipped to receive programs in living color. To buy one of those huge sets, television buyers spent $1,000 — and more.
♥~1967 – The Who made their U.S. debut in New York as part of a week-long rock extravaganza promoted by disc jockey Murray (the K) Kaufman. The Who were virtually unknown in America at the time and were not among the top-billed acts.
♥~1971 – Tom Jones went gold with his single, She’s a Lady.
♥~1972 – Bobby Hull joined Gordie Howe to become only the second National Hockey League player to score 600 career goals. Hull played for the Chicago Blackhawks and Howe spent his NHL career with the Detroit Red Wings.
★~Born Today:
♥~1918 – Howard Cosell (Cohen) attorney, TV sports journalist/commentator: ABC’s Wide World of Sports, boxing, Monday Night Football; author: Tell It like It Is; died Apr 23, 1995
♥~1934 – Gloria Steinem feminist; publisher: Ms.
♥~1942 – Aretha Franklin ‘Lady Soul’: Grammy [15] Award-winning singer; Respect, Baby I Love You, Natural Woman, Chain of Fools, Think, Day Dreaming; first woman inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame [1987]; actress: The Blues Brothers
♥~1947 – Elton John (Reginald Kenneth Dwight) musician, singer songwriter: Your Song, Honky Cat, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Bennie & The Jets, Daniel, Philadelphia Freedom; actor: Tommy; established the Elton John Aids Foundation [1992]
♥~1960 – Brenda Strong actress: The Last Guy on Earth, The Work and the Glory: A House Divided, The Kid and I, Starship Troopers, Exposed
♥~1962 – Marcia Cross actress: Desperate Housewives, Everwood, The Wind Effect, Living in Fear, Target Earth, All She Ever Wanted, M.A.N.T.I.S., Almost Grown, Pros and Cons
★~ Did You Know:
♥~ The humble waffle had its beginnings in the Middle Ages as light, thin cakes that were cooked between wafer irons. They were topped with cheeses and herbs.
♥~ The word waffle comes from a Dutch word, “wafel.”
♥~ In Europe waffles were only sold during special occasions. The sellers were, of course, called “waferers.”
♥~ Competition among waferers was so fierce amongst the waferers that the King of France had to take drastic action and institute a decree that said sellers had to maintain a distance of four meters from each other.
♥~ Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York received his patent for the waffle iron in 1869.
Hope your Sunday has been as pretty as our Sunday! It has been a beautiful lazy day. Odd Loves Company, so leave a comment and muse with me! Did you read the Hobbit? Do you like waffles? There is so much I don’t know about you! If you want to hear the riveting story of our road trip to the Dunes to visit my brother-in-law and sister-in-law yesterday click Indian Dunes: Great company, Wonderful food, Successful driving lesson!
I was a recipient of a large bag of those wonderful pecans every year for years..until the farm was sold. They were the best !
I enjoyed your post a few days ago about the vest-wearing car dealer who lived next door to you when you were a kid..lol
Well he made quiet an impression! Remember I had the dad who wore the business suits with the white shirt and the pin stripe tie and when we was feeling wild and crazy he wore an red and blue pin stipe tie. but he was finally talked into a cool car too–the silver wantabe transam with the horn. That was such a great car.
Enjoying El Morno with my late night waffle snack! Would have been better this morning but I am working on being flexible. I have tomorrow off so I am feeling especially good. Have plans to play a little golf with a good buddy. Taking advantage of this weather while I can. Guess I better see how Cole did with his lesson driving a stick shift.
Thanks Mike! He did great. Running a little behind. Thanks for being flexible
Isn’t great on Sunday to know tomorrow is a vacation day? Catch you tomorrow.
Pingback: March 25, 2011: Waffle Day, Tolkien Reading Day
Pingback: April 14, 2011: National Pecan Day
Pingback: April 14, 2012: Laughter Day, Reach High Day, Ex-spouse Day, Retro Candy Day
Pingback: International One Moment Of Laughter Day, Reach As High as You Can Day, Ex-spouse Day, Retro Candy Day