~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
March 4, 2012
Post Updated: March 4, 2013
★~ Today’s Quote:
The King of Ing:
I love the King of Ing
He makes me want to sing
Add him to an action word
And it’s a gerund… now a thing! — Nancy Wright
★~ Grammar Day:
Grammar Day is not a day to correct you child when she says “me and my sister” or to roll your eyes when yet another Facebook friend uses “your” when he means “you’re” or to, too, and two incorrectly. Today, we add the K to OK in every text and celebrate English as a fabulous language filled with mellifluous words embedded in complex sentences. It is the language of Shakespeare, the King James Bible, and Simon & Garfunkel.
Isn’t it fun that Grammar Day falls after the day after Dr. Seuss’ birthday? Seuss excelled at using the English language creatively! The Cat in the Hat, perhaps more widely quoted than any classic, is written with no words longer than three syllables—most coming from a standard list of words every first grader should know
Celebrate Grammar Day by using your prepositions proudly, and let the adverbs fly. Visit Grammar Girl for great tips.
Learn What Your Name Means Day:
Have you ever wondered what your name means? Or why your parents gave you the name you have? Perhaps it’s a family name that has been passed through the generations, or maybe it has some other kind of significance.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are at least 151,671 last names and 5,163 first names in use in the United States.
Yes, I know we just had Change Your Name Day in February, but today kicks off Name Week. Names will be celebrated more creatively as the week goes on.
★~ Pound Cake Day: (Food of the Day challenge #243)
The original pound cakes contained one pound each of butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. This principle made it simple to remember the recipe and come up with a name to file it under in your recipe holder.
Because we often watch our pounds and work hard to keep our waistlines in proportion, the ingredients have changed and the pound cake lightened up.
Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we? How do you dress up your pound cake?
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1791 – Vermont, became the 14th state. It is the Green Mountain State! Coincidentally, that’s what the French phrase ‘vert mont’ means. Montpelier is Vermont’s capital city. Hail Vermont is the state song which goes right along with the state motto: Vermont, Freedom and Unity. The hermit thrush stands alone as the state bird; and the red clover is the colorful state flower which attracts the state insect, the honeybee. The Morgan horse is the state animal, and the state tree … you guessed it … is the one that makes all that famous Vermont maple syrup, the sugar maple tree.
♥~ 1942 – The Stage Door Canteen opened on West 44th Street in New York City. The canteen became widely known as a service club for men in the armed forces and a much welcomed place to spend what would otherwise have been lonely hours. The USO, the United Service Organization, grew out of the ‘canteen’ operation, to provide entertainment for American troops around the world.
♥~ 1950 – Walt Disney’s Cinderella was released. It was the first full-length, animated, feature film in eight years from the man who brought us Mickey Mouse.
♥ – 1974 – People Magazine: officially launched with the Mar 4, 1974, issue featuring a cover photo of Mia Farrow.
★~ Born Today:
♥~ 1678 – Antonio Lucio Vivaldi musician: violin; composer: The Four Seasons, Nisi dominus, Summer Storm, Primavera, Concerto per liuto e mandolino, Griselda, Gloria,Symphony 4 in B Minor, Magnificat, Quattro stagione; died July 28, 1741
♥~ 1888 – Knute Rockne College Football Hall of Famer: coach: Notre Dame [1918-1930]: 122 games: won 105, lost 12, tied 5; killed in plane crash Mar 31, 1931
♥~ 1954 – Catherine O’Hara actress: A Simple Twist of Fate, Wyatt Earp, Home Alone series, Dick Tracy, Beetlejuice; comedienne: The Steve Allen Comedy Hour, Second City TV, SCTV Network 90
♥~ 1969 – Chaz Bono (Chastity Sun Bono) transgender advocate, writer, musician; only child of entertainers Sonny & Cher.
♥~ 1990 – Andrea Bowen actress: Desperate Housewives, Eye of the Dolphin, Luckey Quarter, Red Riding Hood, Highball
★~ Did You Know: Top Ten Grammar Myths:
♥~ A run-on sentence is a really long sentence.
♥~ You shouldn’t start a sentence with the word “however.”
♥~“Irregardless” is not a word.
♥~ There is only one way to write the possessive form of a word that ends in “s.”
Passive voice is always wrong.
♥~“I.e.” and “e.g.” mean the same thing.
♥~ You use “a” before words that start with consonants and “an” before words that start with vowels.
♥~ It’s incorrect to answer the question “How are you?” with the statement “I’m good.”
♥~ You shouldn’t split infinitives.
♥~ You shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition.
♥~ Click for Explanations
This past week has been a sad week.
The mother of our El Morno friend Teresa died after a life of being loved well by her sweet husband, Mr. Teresa, and her five wonderful children. RIP, Mrs. Teresa.
We lost Barrette Fiske, the dad of one of Cole’s classmates and a friend since our children were 18 months old and started Waldorf Parent Child together. It was a sudden and unexpected death. Just recently, he took Cole out to dinner and to a movie so they could talk cars. He was a fabulous dad, a dad that hung on his daughter’s every word. I had a dream last night; it was very short. Joe met Barrett somewhere on high, they hugged, and Joe said, “What the fuck.” RIP, Barrett Fiske.
This week will be a happier week.
Today, 15 years ago, Joe brought home a stack of Jack Nicholson movies from the movie store, and the marathon began as we waited for a certain baby to decide to be born. The worst part was when Joe stopped and rewound each movie just a bit to catch certain pieces of dialogue again and again and again.
Truthfully, I expected Cole to make his arrival saying, “Do I ice her? Do I marry her? Which one of these?” It was a very long day and Cole waited three more days to make his arrival, but I can honestly say he was worth waiting for.
A 16th birthday deserves a full week of celebrating, so Cole and I are having dinner at a favorite restaurant and may do a little car shopping along the way…
Odd loves your company, so leave a comment.
Sorry for your friends Kb. That is rough. A new week that starts off with pound cake is bound to be better!
Have a good day. I am off to breakfast with an good old boy from way back.
Sorry for your sad! Young or old–to quote your, “Death sucks for those left behind.”
Cole is turning 16. Wasn’t it just yesterday that boy was smiling his toothless grin.
Send you and Cole a big Hug.
It took mine just fine…. Who is the guy in the black and white photo? I want to marry him.
You fixed my comments. Bless you! Knute Rockne! Norte Dame Coach. Isn’t he cute. However I think if Debbie shows up she will fight you for him!
I am past fighting for a man. I am the flower. He must be the bee….
I’m so sorry to hear of the recent losses in your life. I can totally get Joe saying wtf when his friend joined him.
Thought you might enjoy these tidbits:
I’m not originally from Chicago, but isn’t today also the 175th birthday of our windy city?
Also, my clever hubby always reminds me that today is the only day of the year that is a command (March “forth”!!!)
And the story of how I got my name involves a nurse. My Mom wanted to name me Jane because she had just finished reading Jane Eyre. However, having recently immigrated from Holland my parents still pronounced the letter “J” as a “Y”. So when my Dad, a notoriously bad speller in both Dutch and English, was filling out the birth certificate he got the nurse to help him out. The problem was he wrote on a scrap of paper “joan” and kept saying what sounded like “Yane”. The nurse put them both together and came up with Joanne. Boy, was my Mom mad when the birth certificate was delivered with the wrong name. But, the wrong name stuck. And since the Dutch pronounce Joanne as “Yohanne” and since my last name was Johannink (pronounced as Yohannink” you won’t be surprised to find out my nickname for a looonnng time was Johannes Johannes!!!
Oh that made me laugh!! Your poor mom bet that was the last time she trusted your dad with a naming task. Great stories! I will have to add the windy city tidbit to El Morno! Who know..not me that’s for sure!
Oh GOD..I just got March fourth…I am slow tonight. I almost wish I had not but it gives me a great way to wrap up on Facebook. So tell your DH..he is forgiven and I will forever use it in his honor
Happy Birthday to Cole…sweet 16 and age of confusion. Wants to be grown up, yet still wants to be babied. Enjoy while you can, Katybeth. They are soon out of the nest.
A few more days but we have started to celebrate his birthday week. I am enjoying him immensely right now. Being a mom just gets better and better so I hope it continues well into adulthood…. maybe with just shorter showers in the future
Condolences on those two deaths, Katybeth. So Knute Rockne was born the same week as our two darling boys? Somehow, that seems pretty fitting to me! And yes, that IS one darling picture of him — looks rather like a leprechaun, doesn’t he?!