~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
April 6, 2012
★~ Today’s Quote: A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living. Rudolf Steiner
★~ Driving while Drowsy Day:
Annual memorial for people who have died in collisions related to drowsy driving. This is an official state-recognized “day” in the state of California.
Driving while drowsy is a problem almost all driver’s have experienced. You are driving down the road, you have probably been behind the wheel longer than you should, and you feel your eyes growing heavy. Responsible drivers understand that when this happens it is time to get off of the road and get some rest. But what if your livelihood depended on traveling the next 50 or more miles before you stopped?
Truck drivers are under a tremendous amount of pressure to ensure that they make their deliveries on time. Since most are paid by the mile instead of by the hour, the amount of miles they can put behind them before stopping can make a big difference, financially.
The problem, however, is that tired drivers are more likely to make mistakes. And when the tired driver is operating a 30,000 pound vehicle, those mistakes are more likely to result in a fatal accident.
Let Dawn King tell you all about it….
★~ Passover:
Passover begins tonight! Passover is an eight-day Jewish festival that celebrates the emancipation of the Israelites. Jewish families usually celebrate Passover on the first two nights of the holiday. They hold seders to retell the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and to enjoy a festive meal eaten in remembrance of their ancestors’ hardships. During the meal, the youngest child asks the adults four questions about the significance of the Passover symbols.
Traditional Passover food is kosher and does not include any “chametz.” Chametz are leavened foods made with wheat, barley, or rye. When the Israelites fled Egypt, they could not wait for their bread to rise. Modern-day Jewish families eat unleavened matzo bread during Passover to honor this part of their history. Happy Passover! to our Odd friends who are celebrating.
★~ Sorry Charlie Day:
I have always felt sorry for Charlie! All he ever wanted was to be a Starkist tuna, but even with his snazzy specs and comedic outlook, he just wasn’t bait worthy. I’m happy to honor Charlie the Tuna, who has been rejected for decades and still keeps his spunk. Today we recognize anyone who has been rejected and lived through it.
★~ Carmel Popcorn Day:
Yes, I know I suggested you eat some Carmel Popcorn yesterday on Carmel day. What was I thinking! I made the suggestion without realizing that today is the official Carmel Popcorn Day. Please forgive me. If you live in Chicago Garretts popcorn is giving away treat size servings of Carmel popcorn from 11am-2pm. You could also enjoy a box of Cracker Jacks!
★~ Today in History:
♥~ The April Full Moon- Call the Pink Moon by by Native American tribes of New England and the Great Lakes because at this time of the season wildflowers—especially the pink ground phlox—herald the newly arrived spring.
♥~ 1916 – Charlie Chaplin was 26 years old this day when he signed a movie contract with the Mutual Film Corporation. He made a fair piece of change, too — $675,000 a year — and became the highest-paid film star in the world.
♥~ 1938 – Du Pont researcher Dr. Roy J. Plunkett accidentally created the chemical compound that was later marketed as Teflon. It revolutionized the cookware industry.
♥~ 1968 – The soundrack album from the movie The Graduate hit number one in the U.S. The album made superstars of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. The alubm also showcased the music of jazz pianist Dave Grusin, who wrote and perfomed six of the tracks.
♥~ 1971 – Rolling Stones Records was formed to promote the hits of The Rolling Stones. The famous Stones trademark, the lips logo, became widely used. Brown Sugar was the first hit by the Rolling Stones on the new label, followed by Wild Horses, Tumbling Dice and Bill Gates’ favorite song, Start Me Up.
♥~ 1980 – Another accidental invention? Post-it® Notes were introduced. It seems a 3M scientist used an adhesive that didn’t stick to create what were called “temporarily permanent” book markers
♥~ 1987 – Boxing great Sugar Ray Leonard won a 2-1 decision in a stunning upset over Marvelous Marvin Hagler in a bout held in Las Vegas, NV
♥~ 1998 – Teletubbies, the British show for toddlers, debuted on U.S. TV
★~Born Today:
♥~ 1483 – Raphael Santi artist: Marriage of the Virgin, School of Athens; died Apr 6, 1520 [on his 37th birthday]
♥~ 1931 – Ivan Dixon actor: Hogan’s Heroes, Porgy and Bess, Where’s Jack?, Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?; director: McCloud, The Waltons, The Rockford Files, Starsky and Hutch, Magnum, P.I., The A-Team, Airwolf; died Mar 16, 2008
♥~ 1937 – Merle Haggard CMA Entertainer and Male Vocalist of the Year: [1970]; songwriter: Okie from Muskogee, If We Make It Through December, Hungry Eyes, Workin’ Man Blues, Mama Tried
♥~ 1947- John Ratzenberger, Actor (“Cheers”), turns 64
♥~ 1952 – Marilu Henner (Mary Lucy Denise Pudlowski) actress: Taxi, Evening Shade, Cannonball Run 2
♥~ 1969 – Ari Meyers actress: Author! Author!, Kate & Allie, Think Big, Dark Horse
♥~ 1972 – Jason Hervey actor: The Wonder Years, Wildside, Fast Times, Diff’rent Strokes, Back to School, Back to the Future
★~ Did You Know: Sorry Charlie is in Good Company
♥~ Winston Churchill failed sixth grade. He was subsequently defeated in every election for public office until he became Prime Minister at the age of 62. He later wrote, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never, Never, Never, Never give up.” (his capitals, mind you)
♥~ Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded.
♥~Daniel Boone was once asked by a reporter if he had ever been lost in the wilderness. Boone thought for a moment and replied, “No, but I was once bewildered for about three days.
♥~Babe Ruth is famous for his past home run record, but for decades he also held the record for strikeouts. He hit 714 home runs and struck out 1,330 times in his career (about which he said, “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”). And didn’t Mark McGwire break that strikeout record? (John Wooden once explained that winners make the most errors.)
♥~Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” He went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. In fact, the proposed park was rejected by the city of Anaheim on the grounds that it would only attract riffraff.
Some of you may read ‘Sorry Charlie Day’ blink twice and wonder, “Didn’t we just give Charlie his due? “ We did. Odd holidays are shifty and it seems today is a more universally accepted day to honor Charlie than April 1st is, so I jumped on board with the April 6th date.
Today is Good Friday. I have often wonder why it was called “Good Friday.” It was not a very good day for Jesus. I don’t remember them telling me in Catechism class, ‘Why Good Friday was good” and let’s face it your not suppose to ask a lot of “why questions” in Catechism classes. Anyway, I google the answer to my question: Good Friday — the Friday before Easter — marks the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. The name is a reminder that humans can only be considered good because of what happened on that day. Some believe that its name was originally God’s Friday, which, over the years, became its present name. In Germany, Christians call it Quiet Friday (from noon on Friday until Easter morning, church bells remain silent). Christians in other parts of Europe call it Great Friday or Holy Friday.
Looking over today’s Odd Holiday’s it seems like a good day for a cuppa of reflection…you won’t hear a Peep out of me.
Good El Morno Kb. It’s a good morno for me..I am off to play golf, and have today and the next three days off. I am celebrating Passover with Friends tonight and Easter on Sunday with my sister and family.
Have a good one
Glad you had such a nice weekend Mike! This year’s was good too
Waiting at airport to board plane for San Diego just wanted to hop by and wish you a Good El Morno and a very Happy Easter!
Just noticing comments I missed a year ago. Geri, I know you will have a good trip
What inspiring stories of failure and rejection — we can all learn something from them! Probably Churchill said it best, Never give up! Planning on catching up today (was picking up Domer yesterday for a short break), then spending time in church. Happy weekend to all!
Inspiring comment Debbie, sorry I missed it last year :-/ Thanks!
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