~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
December 3rd, 2012
★~ Today’s Quote: There are some days when I think I’m going to die from an overdose of satisfaction. ~Salvador Dali
★~ National Roof Over Your Head Day:
Last month we were grateful for our families, friends and health. It was, after all, Thanksgiving! One of the blessings that top my list is having a safe and comfortable place to call home, but I know that there are plenty of people around me that don’t have that same luxury. Winter is especially difficult for these people. Why not donate some canned goods to your local food pantry, participate in a coat drive or just drop some loose change into an outreached hand and make the day a little merrier for that person.
★~ Apple Pie Day:
Apple pie is the quintessential American dessert! However, apple pie wasn’t even invented in the U.S. Rather it was invented in Europe sometime during the 14th century. The first apple pie recipe was printed by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1381 in England. The ingredients in the recipe included apples, spices, figs, raisins, pears, saffron, and cofyn (a casing of pastry).Dutch apple pie recipes date back to the late 15th century. These recipes were similar to the English recipes except they included a scoop of ice cream placed on top of the pie before it was served. This tradition—apple pie à la mode—was eventually brought to America where most people continue to enjoy their apple pie topped with ice cream. Apple Pie day is also celebrated on May 3rd in case you need a do-over. Does McDonalds still have those hotter than crazy apple pies? I think they were two for $1.00?
★~ This Day In History:
♥~ 1967 – The world’s first successful heart transplant was performed. Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the operation at Cape Town, South Africa.
♥~ 1977 – After 29 weeks in the #1 position on the album charts,Rumours, by Fleetwood Mac, was replaced at the top spot by the album Simple Dreams, sung by Linda Ronstadt.
♥~ 1978 – Mommie Dearest hit the best-seller list. The ‘poison-penned’ book, by Christina Crawford, the adopted daughter of movie-star Joan Crawford, stayed on the list for 42 weeks.
♥~ 1998 – A London woman abducted by a phony cab driver sprayed an aerosol at his face when he lit a cigarette and set his hair on fire. While the kidnapper dealt with his bad hair day, the victim escaped.
♥~ 1999 – After rowing 2,962 miles in 81 days, Tori Murden of the United States eased her 23-foot boat, American Pearl, to the dock at Fort-du-Bas on the French Carribean island of Guadeloupe. She had just rowed across the Atlantic Ocean. Astonishingly, Murden appeared relaxed, even radiant, as she stood up to toss out a rope. “Next time, the Concorde,” she quipped, as she bounded out of the boat.
★~ Born Today:
♥~ 1818 – The state of Illinois was admitted to the Union and became the 21st United State. Today Illinois is the “most average state” in America according to the Associated Press, which analyzed data from the U.S. census, looking at things like income and age and race, as well as education, immigration, rural population percentages and more than a dozen other factors. The Associated Press concluded that Illinois mirrored the makeup of the country as a whole better than any other state. Second was Oregon, and then Michigan, and Washington, and Delaware. The “least average state” in the Union: West Virginia. Illinois’ official slogan is the “Land of Lincoln.” Springfield is the capital of Illinois. The Illinois state flower is a violet, and the state bird is the brightly colored cardinal.
♥~ 1927 – Andy Williams Emmy Award-winning entertainer: The Andy Williams Show [1962-63]; singer: Can’t Get Used to Losing You, [Where Do I Begin] Love Story,Days of Wine and Roses, Canadian Sunset, Moon River, Born Free, Butterfly, I Like Your Kind of Love [w/Peggy Powers], Are You Sincere,Lonely Street, In the Village of St. Bernadette
♥~ 1948 – Ozzy (John) Osbourne songwriter, singer: groups: Rare Breed, Black Sabbath: Paranoid; solo: Blizzard of Oz; dead bat-head biter
♥~ 1960 – Daryl Hannah actress: The Fury, Splash, Steel Magnolias, Blade Runner, The Pope of Greenwich Village, Roxanne, Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman, Grumpier Old Men, Diplomatic Siege, Dancing at the Blue Iguana
♥~ 1960 – Julianne Moore actress: As the World Turns, The Fugitive, Jurassic Park, The Forgotten, Laws of Attraction, The Hours, Far from Heaven, The Shipping News,Evolution, Hannibal
★~ Did You Know:
Nothing gets us more in the mood for the holiday season than twinkle lights on houses and the sound of brostep and dubstep filling the frosty air with their “BWAMP-BWAMP-BWAMP” bass sounds. In the time honored Christmas tradition, the Cadgers, specifically a 17-year-old AV prodigy and his or her dad, have festooned their house and yard in Meridian, Ohio, with what appear to be miles of lights (35,000 bulbs in total) and are flooding their neighborhood with an incredibly complicated light and sound display for Christmas 2012. The house even has it’s own webs site.
Happy Monday everyone! I need to get the teen up at atta it! Where did this weekend go? The Cadgers video leaves me with the question….did you decorate this weekend?
Odd Loves Company,
I like apple pie! Maybe I will pick one up after lunch for the work gang. I would not want to to live next door to that lighted house but it is pretty darn amazing!
Not sure where the weekend went but it went much to quick.
Have a good one!
I’m sure everyone one loved the pie. I think the house is limited by an ordinance as to when it can “show off’ which is good for the neighbors because I am sure the novelty wears off quick.
Yep. Outside of house is decorated. The tree is up but not decorated until next week. That house is something. It’s amazing but maybe a little too much??
Love apple pie and very glad I have a roof to enjoy it under. Can goods to school this week. Coat drive was last month.
Your right, the weekend was no sooner here than gone!
Merry Monday!
Well you are certainly ahead of me. We have the tree now but it won’t have lights until this weekend. I like to draw the mess out.
Hope your week is going well.
Whole Foods bakery has the best apple pie in a bag. YUM. I did decorate a little bit this weekend but on a smaller scale than the Cadgers I’m happy to say….can you imagine taking that display down?
Love my humble abode and send blessing to everyone struggling in this economy. Our Church does a very successful coat/blanket drive and I usually pick up a coat at Target each year to donation. Feels good to help.
Have a great day!
The apple pie at WHole Foods is GOOD. What a nice thing to do Geri. We give to the school food drive…the pantry is right next to the school so the kids can see the difference they are making.
Decorating is done but no outside lights yet. That is husband’s job
Hooray for apple pie!
We skip the outside other than a small lighted poler bear. Our tree does sit in our front window so the house isn’t dark but not aglow like in the old days…..