~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
April 2, 2013
★~Today’s Quote: Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got. ~Robert Brault
★~ International Children’s Book Day:
International Children’s Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children’s books.
Denmark’s most famous author, Hans Christian Andersen, was born on this day in 1805. His life was a true tale of the boy who went from rags to riches. He was born to a poor family; his father, a shoemaker, died when Hans was 11 years old. When he was just 14, Hans left his hometown of Odense, Denmark and traveled to Copenhagen where he, literally, became a starving artist (actor, singer, dancer). It was there that he met the man who became his lifelong friend and benefactor, Jonas Collin. With Collin’s help, Andersen received a royal scholarship and completed his education. By his 25th birthday, Hans was on his way to a writing career that would make him one of the most widely-read authors in the world. His first recognition came for his many plays and novels. Five years later, he penned his first of 168 fairy tales.
★~ Reconciliation Day:
Reconciliation Day was suggested by Ann Landers who wrote, “Since 1989, I have suggested that April 2nd be set aside to write that letter or make that phone call and mend a broken relationship. Life is too short to hold grudges. To forgive can be enormously life-enhancing.”
★~ Peanut Butter and Jelly Day:
Did you know that the average American consumes 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the age of 18? The combination of sweet jelly and salty peanut butter has been a staple in school lunch boxes for over fifty years.
According to one story, American soldiers invented the peanut butter and jelly sandwich during World War II. They decided to combine their bread, jelly, and peanut butter rations into a fabulous new treat. When the soldiers returned home after the war, peanut butter and jelly sales soared.
Celebrate Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, by making this iconic American sandwich for lunch! By all means use creamy peanut butter ( a favorite of El Morno readers)!
★~ Today in History:
★~ 1956 – Two very successful daytime dramas premiered. The Edge of Night and As the World Turns were seen for the first time on CBS-TV.
♥~ 1968 – The science-fiction film “2001: A Space Odyssey” had its world premiere in Washington, D.C.
♥~ 1992 – Mob boss John Gotti was convicted in New York of murder and racketeering.
★~Born Today:
♥~ 1725 – Giacomo Casanova writer: History of My Life; Italy’s most famous lover-philanderer. In honor of Casanova birthday: Top 10 romantic movie quotes.
♥~ 1805 – Hans Christian Andersen author of fairy tales: The Tinder Box, The Ugly Duckling, The Emperor’s New Clothes;
♥~ 1942 – Leon Russell singer: Tight Rope, Lady Blue; songwriter: Superstar [Carpenters], This Masquerade [George Benson]
♥~ 1945 – Linda Hunt Academy Award-winning actress: The Year of Living Dangerously [1983]; NCIS: Los Angeles, Silverado, Dune, Popeye, Kindergarten Cop, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Flying Nun
♥~ 1947 – Emmylou Harris singer: Grammy Award-winning singer
♥~ 1949 – Ron Palillo, Welcome Back, Kotter, Laverne & Shirley in the Army, Wind, Snake Eater II: The Drug Buster, Hellgate, Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, Surf II, The Invisible Woman
♥~ 1949 – Pamela Reed, Junior, Kindergarten Cop, The Clan of the Cave Bear, The Right Stuff, The Best of Times, The Goodbye People, The Long Riders, Bob Roberts, Grand, Family Album, The Andros Targets, Getting Out
♥~ 1953 – David Robinson musician: drums: group: The Cars: Drive, Just What I Needed, My Best Friend’s Girl, Good Times Roll, You’re All I’ve Got Tonight, Bye Bye Love, Moving in Stereo
♥~ 1961 – Keren Woodward singer: group: Bananarama: Cruel Summer, Venus, I Heard a Rumor
♥~ Adam Rodriguez actor: CSI: Miami, Thanks to Gravity, Category 7: The End of the World, Kim Possible, Six Feet Under, Ugly Betty, The Goodwin Games
♥~ 1977 – Michael Fassbender, actor: Inglourious Basterds, X-Men: First Class, Prometheus, 300, Fish Tank, Jane Eyre [2011], A Dangerous Method, Hunger, Shame
★~ Did You Know:
♥~ Alice in Wonderland used to be banned in parts of China. “Animals cannot use a human language,” said General Ho Chien in 1931. “To attribute to them such a power is an insult to the human race.”
♥~ Other names considered for Nancy Drew included Diana Dare, Stella Strong, Helen Hale and Nan Nelson.
♥~ Margaret Wise Brown had no children and left all of her Goodnight Moon money and future earnings to Albert Edward Clark III, a young neighbor boy.
♥~ E.B. White is the “White” of Strunk and White (of Elements of Style fame).
♥~ While in art school, Maurice Sendak (Where the Wild Thing Are) was a window dresser for F.A.O. Schwarz in New York.
♥~ Norman Bridwell almost called his big red dog Tiny, but his wife suggested Clifford — the name of her childhood imaginary friend.
♥~ In 1929, author J.M. Barrie gave the rights to Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street children’s hospital in London. The copyright expired in 2007, but a deal was worked out where the hospital continues to collect royalties from stage performances of Peter Pan in the U.K.
♥~ The Very Hungry Caterpillar was almost called A Week With Willi Worm.
♥~ Stan and Jan Berenstain didn’t just write about bears. Among their other credits: How to Teach Your Children About Sex.
Running like a chook with his head cut off today. Things to do and people to meet. Run, Kb, Run.
Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!
Peanut butter and Jelly a personal favorite. Enjoyed reading The Wild Things to my kids, it made my ex crazy tho because it always wound the kids up. Isn’t that the point? Create excitement about reading and all.
Back to work. Have a good one.
It is the point. Maybe, not at bed time, tho. On the other hand, it’s kind of fun listening to your kid wrestle and laugh even at bed time. It never bothered me. Sometimes, Moms make to big a deal over things. Read that quick, I might delete it :-D.
Good Morno,
Having a great time with my folks. We leave tomorrow, sad to go, but while my parents swear they will miss us and we never stay long enough I’m sure they will enjoy having their house and sanity back. This summer my oldest is coming for a week by himself and I don’t know who is more excited–Son, grandparents, or me.
We eat a lot of P&J in our house and read a lot of books. We listened to books on tapes on the car trip and we all enjoyed the stories. Much better than television in the car, which we don’t have.
Hope your day is as pretty as ours.
Glad you are having (or had) such a good trip. You son will have a great time on his solo trip! Cole loves going to see his grandparents with me. Childhood should include PBJ! Lots of it.
Yum, PB&J is a staple around here (the creamy kind, natch!)
I didn’t know all those interesting tidbits about the books and authors — thank you for helping me feel educated this morno!
Reconciliation might be a good idea, depending on what April Fool’s jokes we pulled (and how badly our victims took them!)
Natch! Glad you liked the facts. I say sorry a lot after April 1…..
i don’t think I have kept up my end of the deal on the PB and J consumption….off to the kitchen!!!
Please! You don’t want to get stuck with the bad rapt of being down the PBJ stats.
i always loved the sound of his name….hans christian andersen. loved his writings, too.
pb& j is my usual lunch at work because the cupboards are bare by weeks end. yes, smooth pb!
reconciliation day would be a good thing to observe.
so the berenstain’s not only wrote about bears, but also the birds & the bees……
did you get everything done today?
It is a beautiful name. Almost sounds magical. Joe tried to convince me that PBJ was a snack and not an appropriate school lunch. He was so wrong.
I accomplished a lot of my list. Some days I feel like a rat on a wheel.
I guess I’m odd man out because I never did like PB&J sandwich. Love peanut butter by itself or bread with jam. Just didn’t like them together. Grocery day today, my least favorite thing to do and am always glad when it is done. Hope your day wasn’t too hectic. At least we had sun with the cold wind.
I’m with you, grocery shopping is pain, and then you have to lug everything in and put it away. We can’t all like the same thing, life would be so boring.