~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
August 18, 2013
★~ Today’s Quote: “To create more positive results in your life, replace ‘if only’ with ‘next time’.” ~ Unknown
★~ Bad Poetry Day:
Not everyone can be a Frost or a Dickinson or a Whitman or Hawk. Bad poetry day encourages you to give it a go anyway, by putting pen to paper and writing some terrible verse. If you’re feeling particularly cruel, you could read your bad poetry to friends, family and colleagues, and ask them what they think about your poem.
“There was a man who loved the bees; he thought they were his friend. He loved to sit upon their hives, but they stung him in the end!”
Here are some bits of poetry shared by El Mornor’s last Bad Poetry Day.
Adelaide Gracza:
I’m off to work. Sitting on the bus
T would like the day to pass without a fuss
Sipping java From a silver cup
Wishing I wasnt really up
fare thee well dear sweet Adelaide,
the breakfast dishes cleared and the bed is made
off on the bus, without any fuss
ready to make her mark on the day
I hate to be a poop, the paper is on my stoop, gonna take it in so I stay in the loop.
And so Julianne must leave us, she cries
off and away, out the door she flies
with nary a glance back to the el morno crew
whom she’s left behind feeling sad and blue
Clearly our saucy Aussie was on a roll…what will she write for us this year? What will you write for us this year?
★~ Soft Ice Cream Day:
What would your number one complaint be about ice cream? Scooping it right? This might have become a world problem if J.F. ‘Granpda’ McCullough and his son Alex, founders of Dairy Queen, hadn’t created soft ice cream, which is much easier to serve, back in 1938.
Soft Serve ice cream can be served on a sugar cone, in a waffle cone, as a part of a a banana split. It may be dipped in chocolate, or covered with a topping like sprinkles or crushed cookies. The best place to celebrate soft serve ice cream is Dairy Queen, of-course
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1899 – The Chicago Anti-Cigarette League was formed by Lucy Payne Gaston.
♥~ 1920 – Women throughout the United States rejoiced, as the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It gave women the right to vote.
♥~ 1930 – Pluto the dog debuted in the Walt Disney cartoon “The Chain Gang.”
♥~ 1960 – The first commercially-produced oral contraceptive,Enovid-10, was introduced in Skokie, Illinois.
♥~1973 – Jethro Tull’s album, A Passion Play, landed at #1 in the U.S.
♥~ 1982 – The longest baseball game played at Wrigley Field in Chicago, IL went 22 innings before the Los Angeles Dodgers defeated the Chicago Cubs 2-1. The game had started the previous day and had been postponed, after 17 innings, because of darkness.
♥~ 1975 – The Blue Bell Inn in Lichfield, England, received history’s highest telephone bill. One month’s service, 4-billion, 386-million, 800-thousand dollars. Plus tax. It was a mistake.
♥~ 2003 – 24-year-old Ma Lihua from China tipped over 303,621 dominos, breaking the world record for longest solo domino tippage
★~Born Today:
♥~ 1587 – Virginia Dare – An expedition led by Sir Walter Raleigh landed at what is now Roanoke Island, North Carolina. Seven days later, on this day in 1587, Virginia Dare became the first child of English parentage to be born in America.
Ellinor and Ananias Dare were Baby Virginia’s parents; her grandfather, John White, was the governor of the Roanoke Colony.
As far as anyone knows, all was well with the little colony. That is, until four years later when a ship bringing supplies arrived only to find the colony gone. The settlers, including Virginia Dare, had vanished. No trace was ever found of any member of the colony.
Legend has it that sometime in the 1600s a white doe was frequently seen in the area where the Dare family once lived. It is said that Virginia Dare returned to the colony as the doe.
♥~ 1936 – Robert Redford actor: All the President’s Men, Quiz Show, The Sting, Sneakers, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Out of Africa; Academy Award-winning director: Ordinary People [1980]; A River Runs Through It, Quiz Show
♥~ 1952 – Patrick Swayze dancer, actor: Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Father Hood, Red Dawn, Point Break, North and South; died Sep 14, 2009
♥~ 1978 – Andy Samberg actor: Saturday Night Live, Hot Rod
★~ Good to Know YOU!
♥~ What is the most interesting thing you learned this past week?
♥~ What businesses do you wish had a drive-through (or walk-up) window?
♥~ What movie did you think was lame at the movie theater, but later re-watched at home and changed your opinion?
♥~ What are you looking forward to this week?
Wishing everyone a sensational a sensational Sunday. I’ll spend the day hammering coke bottle caps into the fence and hanging out with my pups.
Odd Loves Company!
Good Morno,
Missed this earlier. Soft serve ice cream is good covered in a hard shell. I’m sure any poetry I wrote would be bad.
Household chores and then dinner at my sisters. Taking brats to throw on the b-q and lemon meringue pie for dessert.
Have a good one.
Sounds like a very tasty Sunday night dinner all the way around.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Brats are tasty too.
Your in good company if you write bad poetry.
Checkin in from vacation. Heading home tomorrow. Things got switched around a bit but I have the time to be flexible and we are having a great time. Yesterday was soft serve ice cream day. I had a big cone of chocolate dipped. I’m looking forward to another week of vacation, I wish my dry cleaners was drive through, and believe it or not I thought Field of Dreams was much better the second time around.
Have a great day.
Glad you are having a good time. Some of our dry cleaners are drive thru and it is very handy. Another whole week of vacation! FUN. What are your plans?
I got it right!! Finally!! I had a DQ sundae before I read that today is soft serve ice cream day! Woo-Hoo!!
I never heard the story of Virginia Dare before. Most interesting. Wonder where the colony went??
I’m looking forward to getting a hair cut and highlight on Monday. Would you believe it’s been three months (yes, I sound like I’m in Confession!)??
Woo Hoo! for you. Hope you enjoyed every bite.
Indians, maybe? I would imagine that the colony was pretty puritan and perhaps the natives saw the writing on the wall.
I bet your hair will look great–the highlight of your week, so to speak. I need to do something to mine but I’m not sure what yet….
Wait!!! I still have time to go out and get my softserve!!!!!!
I hope you bought Katie a cone after her trial. It’s a dog show tradition! A cone to share you each get your own side. Lick quick.
I just love Dairy Queen, especially their Peanut Buster Parfait…sadly, there are no Dairy Queens close to us anymore..there were two but they closed..I used to go to a Dairy Queen when I was a kid living in Rockford, IL..
So Robert Redford is older than I am..didn’t know that..he is a great actor.
Never tried to write a poem.
I had my first Peanut Buster Parfait today! Thanks for the recommendation. It was VERY good. Sad that DQ closed in your neck of the woods. I bet you could write a really good poem.
i always dreaded writing poems in school. i’m not what you would call creative.
i’m with sue ^ with the peanut buster parfait. i went to dairy queen as a reward for being able to finally drive last month.
– the engagement of a friend’s daughter.
– my grocery store.
– i hardly ever re-watch movies. one & done!
– looking forward to the end of all meetings & inservices.
good evening!
Oh the grocery store is an excellent choice for drive up. Maybe you should have a peanut buster parfait when the inservice is done!
Can not believe I missed it

Making words and rhymes to fit
So in my bed I shall sit
And work until…
Oh…I quit.
The apple store! I’d love it if they had a drive up window.