The empty red plastic garbage sitting in the middle of the stairs needed to be returned to the upstairs den. It could not have been more obviously located. Really, there was no way on earth the next person going up the stairs could miss it without moving it or stepping over it. Unless that person was a teen. When I wondered why the garbage can was still in the middle of the stairs after the teen went up the stairs. He said he didn’t see it. I wasn’t surprised but I was curious about how he could have missed it. The following explanation was forthcoming.
“Mom, did you know that when Columbus sailed to America that the Indians missed the ship that was sailing in the ocean right in front of them. They didn’t see the ship because they had never seen a ship before.
Cole you’ve seen a garbage can before.
“I’ve never seen a garbage can sitting in the middle of the stairs. The garbage can was in an unexpected place so I missed it when I came upstairs. Just like the Indians missed that ship “
I smiled and said “And the Indians lived happily ever after, right?”
Odd Loves Company,
This is a perfect description of a day in my life. Having asked my teen several times today to vacuum the basement (after he invited people in yesterday who had to wade through dog hair) and being ignored for about 8 hours, I just told him he could eat dinner as soon as he finished vacuuming the basement. Withholding food, a new tactic, but I’m going to win this one. (Or at least feel like I’m winning.)
I know you live with one too…Sometimes I think we are invisible. I am glad you won this one for the troops! I heart your victory!
Kb, this brings back soooo many memories! Enjoy your dear boy while you have him under your roof — they leave far too soon, you know. That said, the trash can is RED, for pity’s sake. How could he have missed it??!?!?
His explanation of how he missed it is as good as any….Yes, he amuses me despite sometimes wanting to kill him.
I love the effort he took with his explanation! If only he had applied such genius to just taking care of the can. Such a teenage move
(And I must share….when I first saw the picture, before reading the post, I thought “Oh no! Someone is sick at KB’s house!” Your can looks just like our “barf bucket!”)
Yes, we’ve always said he’d make a fine lawyer. He manages to skirt the issues and can quite well.
Bark bucket. We don’t have one but I do have a dustpan that we use to scoop dog barf in… TMI?