Odd Will Be Back


Odd will resume its regular posting schedule in April. The need to indulge in sleep is the primary reason for my sporadic posting. So dull. But, I’ll be back to make up for all those missed holidays and to share the various and sundry that makes up our riveting Odd life.  Can’t wait, can you?

I miss you like crazy, and you know how I miss crazy! See you soon.

Odd Loves Company,


You can check out where I have been spending my time on the Camp Run A Pup Facebook Page. You don’t have to be “on Facebook” to visit the page.

8 thoughts on “Odd Will Be Back

  1. Morno,
    My morno coffee isn’t the same without you. I’ll stick around. Enjoyed the pictures on your Camp page. Sleep is a good thing.
    Have a good one.

    • Aww are you saying your coffee isn’t sweet enough without me? Glad you’ll hang in with me. Sleep is annoying but unfortunately necessary to preserve my sanity.

    • Thanks. I knew you would. I’m not sure if it’s something you recover from or build up endurance for…but I am feeling much better with the new combination of overnight and day camp pups.

    • Thanks. I am getting back into the swing of things. When we added Daycamp to our camp schedule in the Fall I underestimated the time and energy required. Love it but find myself falling into bed at 9am so I can rise and shine by 4:30. It’s a little easier now that we have a set routine.

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