Happy Birthday Cole

Cole's first driving lesson

Today is Cole’s fifteenth birthday. We have celebrated all weekend with family and friends, and today he starts driver’s education.

The boy I watched take his first step, walk around the block by himself, look both ways before crossing the street, and master the Chicago transit system, I will now help teach to drive. We are both excited.


Helping Cole learn to drive will be another part of our journey together.  When he puts the key in the ignition, I will look at him with his hands on the wheel, his foot on the pedal, his smile on his face, and know that my boy is learning to steer himself in any direction he chooses.  When we drive off, I will wonder why 25 miles per hour feels like 60, why everything looks so much closer on the passenger side of the car, and how in the world he got to be fifteen so soon.

Here are fifteen things about Cole:


Cole is passionate.



Cole is persistent.



Cole is slow and deliberate which makes his whirling, twirling mom crazy sometimes.



Cole is almost always happy and in a good mood, but as he told me told me recently, “I cannot always be happy and in a good mood.”


Cole would like to master sarcasm, but finds the words cut his tongue,



Cole is an artist.



Cole can talk about the death of his dad with both sadness and humor.



Cole loves food, discussing food, cooking food, and trying different kinds of food.



Cole is never wearing shoes when we arrive at our destination.



Cole is funny.



Cole loves to talk to people and get to know them.  He wants to know who you are.



Cole likes lists and organization.



Cole is frugal, both with his money and mine.



Cole is a keen and honest observer.



Cole is kind.



and one to grow on … Cole gets better with each and every year that passes, and I delight in being his mom 99.9% of the time.



Happy Birthday Coley Bear…I love you more than my laptop, camera, I-phone and little bottles of coke; your dad loves you more than all the stars in the sky.


Want to keep me company today on Odd? Finish this sentence in the comment section

I love my child, children or a special person in my life more than____________.





27 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Cole

  1. Happy Birthday Cole! He sounds like my kind of person. What an awesome child you have there and how lucky is he to have you for a mom??

    I love my Kaitlin to the moon and back (this is what I used to tell her all the time)!

  2. Cole is an amazing young man, no wonder since he comes from amazing parents. You done good KB and I can see Joe smiling in agreement. Happy birthday Cole, you rock. KB, the driving thing is simply awful.

    I love my children and granddaughter more than sleep and chocolate.

  3. Happy Birthday, Cole!!

    I love my children more than the whole wide world (forever and ever). – From a goodnight game I’ve played with my kids since they were little:)

    Good luck with the driving lessons, Katybeth!!

  4. Happy Fifteenth, Cole! My son turned twenty yesterday (the 6th), so you’re in great company! Katybeth, don’t fret the driving thing — I taught my son, and except for one or two shouting matches, we both survived, and he’s a wonderful, safe driver. I’m not sure kids ever know how deeply you love them until they have kids of their own!

    • I’m sure you are right Debbie. I do tell Cole to be smart out in the world, because if anything ever happened to him–my life would be over. I made an impression 😀
      Thank you I thought I was crazy..I am excited about teaching Cole to drive–and actually think it will be fun.

  5. 😛 Happy birthday Cole!!!

    I love my children more than myself!

    Katybeth, have fun with the driving lesson. That 25 mph seems like 60, that exactly what my dad said to me during my lesson. 🙂

  6. What a wonderful tribute to your son Katybeth. Happy Birthday to Cole! Blessings to you today and throughout your 15th year. With such an amazing mother and the love from a Dad that out numbers the stars I’d say you will have an awesome 15th year.

    The answer to your question; I will quote a favorite Beatles song called I WILL.

    I will love my husband and my children forever!

    ” Love you forever and forever
    Love you with all my heart
    Love you whenever we’re together
    Love you when we’re apart”

  7. Happy Birthday, Cole and many more to come. Your big smile lights up the page and I can only guess what a sweetheart you are. Saw you way back when Aidan went to Waldorf and think it was either 2nd or 3rd grade and was taken in by those curly locks. Be sure to give your mom a big Thank you for all she does and has done for you.

    And I love my children and Grandsons more than the air I breathe… My life I’d give for them.

  8. I love my child more than I love life, much more than I love life. My grandchild is like the icing on the cake of life. What an exciting surprise he was.
    Happy birthday darlin, happy birthday.

  9. Cole sounds fantastic…a credit to you and your husband’s upbringing. Made me tear up. And sort of sad I never had kids.

  10. Pingback: Lets Get Real

  11. Pingback: Got Drivers Permit

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