Three Kings Day, Cuddle Up Day, Bean Day

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ January 6, 2014  ★~ Today’s Quote:  star of wonder, star of light Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to thy perfect light. ★~ Three Kings' Day: Three Kings' Day (also known as The Epiphany) is a Christian holiday that commemorates the biblical story of the … Continue reading Three Kings Day, Cuddle Up Day, Bean Day

Whipped Cream Day, National Bird Day, Wind Chill Factor

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ January 5, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote: “Whipped cream isn’t whipped cream at all if it hasn’t been whipped with whips, just like poached eggs isn’t poached eggs unless it’s been stolen in the dead of the night.”  —Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ★~ Whipped Cream Day: Whipped Cream Day … Continue reading Whipped Cream Day, National Bird Day, Wind Chill Factor

Sleep Day, Chocolate Cherry Day, Fruitcake Toss

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ January 3, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote: I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know? ~ Ernest Hemingway ★~ Sleep Day: Sleep Day revolves around rest and relaxation. It is an opportunity to sleep in, be lazy, doze, or nap for 20 minutes, 8 hours, or … Continue reading Sleep Day, Chocolate Cherry Day, Fruitcake Toss

Bicarbonate Soda Day, Feng Shui New Year Tip

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ December 30, 2013 ★~ Today’s Quote:  I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble. ~ Rudyard Kipling ★~ Bicarbonate Soda Day Bicarbonate soda (commonly known as baking soda) is used in baking, cooking, de-odorizing, cleaning, polishing, and countless other applications. The ancient Egyptians used natural deposits … Continue reading Bicarbonate Soda Day, Feng Shui New Year Tip

Pepper Pot Soup Day, Texas Joins The Union

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ December 29, 2013  ★~ Today’s Quote:  Calling a taxi in Texas is like calling a rabbi in Iraq. ~ Fran Lebowitz  ★~ Pepper Pot Soup Day: According to the legend……….. It was during the Revolutionary war, and the Continental army was camped at Valley Forge.  The winter of 1777-1778, was … Continue reading Pepper Pot Soup Day, Texas Joins The Union

Card Playing Day, Chocolate Candy Day, Good News

★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ December 28, 2013 ★~ Today’s Quote: "Stop cheating!" the dealer told the card player. "I'm not!" claimed the player. "You must be," said the dealer. "That is not the hand that I dealt you." (unknown) ★~ Card Playing Day:  Card Playing Day is easy to celebrate, just grab a pack of … Continue reading Card Playing Day, Chocolate Candy Day, Good News

Fruitcake Day, Snowflake Day, Snow Facts

★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ December 27, 2013  ★~  Today's Quote: "Memories can fade but a fruitcake lasts forever." - unknown ★~ Fruitcake Day: Blame the fruitcake plague on the cheap sugar that arrived in Europe from the colonies in the 16th century. Some enlighten soul discovered that fruit could be preserved by soaking it in … Continue reading Fruitcake Day, Snowflake Day, Snow Facts