May Day, Beltane, Mother Goose, Chocolate Parfait Day

★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ May 1st, 2014 ★~ Today's Quote: Rabbit Rabbit! ★~ May Day:  The lusty month of May! May Day has been a traditional holiday celebration since ancient times. On this day, spring festivals and Maypoles are common. The Maypole is a tall pole that is covered with streamers, flowers and other decorations of spring. People grab … Continue reading May Day, Beltane, Mother Goose, Chocolate Parfait Day

Law Day, May Day, Beltane, Mother Goose Day,Chocolate Parfait Day

★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ May 1st, 2013 ★~ Today's Quote: Rabbit Rabbit! ★~ Law Day:   In 1957 Dwight D. Eisenhower declared May 1 to be Law Day, U.S.A. Law Day was originally the idea of Charles S. Rhyne, Eisenhower's legal counsel for a time, who was serving in 1957-1958 as the president of the American … Continue reading Law Day, May Day, Beltane, Mother Goose Day,Chocolate Parfait Day