~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
April 19th
★~ Today’s Quote: He had us make some toast points, and he told us to crush the (slow-roasted) garlic out of its skin and spread it on the toast along with the chicken. Roasting tamed the garlic and gave it a lovely taste. It was absolutely delicious.~ Julia Child
★~Garlic Day:
Family, friends, and bread lovers: today we celebrate garlic! Dust off that box of garlic decorations stowed in the closet and display them proudly. Then, eat whole cloves of garlic as you would apples, plant garlic, and finally, slaughter vampires! Or, for another way to celebrate, spread the word by having some garlic for breakfast and asking your near and dear in an up-front, close and personal sort of way… Did you know today was Garlic Day? I don’t think spreading the word will be hard. Needless to say, at tonight’s dinner, offer a toast to the spicy goodness of garlic.
★~ Today in History
♥~1956 – Actress Grace Kelly became Princess Grace of Monaco on this day. The beloved U.S. actress from Philadelphia married Prince Rainier III of Monaco in a storybook wedding. More than 1,500 radio, TV, newspaper and magazine reporters were on hand for the event in Monaco, as were most of the citizens of the tiny country
♥~1968 – John Lennon, George Harrison and their wives left the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram in Rishikesh, India two weeks before their study was complete. Ringo and Paul had already left.
♥~1981 – The first major-league baseball team to win 11 straight games at the beginning of a season was the Oakland A’s. Win number 11 came with a few fireworks, as a brawl or two became a part of a 6-1 victory over Seattle in the first game of a doubleheader. In the second game, however, Seattle ended the A’s win streak with a 3-2 win.
♥~1988 – Former singer and one half of Sonny and Cher; Sonny Bono was inaugurated as the Mayor of Palm Springs.
★~Born Today:
♥~1930 – Dick Sargent (Richard Cox) actor: Bewitched, That Touch of Mink, Body Count, Fantasy Island; died July 8, 1994
♥~1935 – Dudley Moore actor: Arthur, Arthur 2, 10, Crazy People, Parallel Lives, Bedazzled, The Hound of the Baskervilles; died Mar 27, 2002
♥~1937 – Elinor Donahue actress: Father Knows Best, The Andy Griffith Show, Get a Life, Pretty Woman
♥~ 1979 – Kate Hudson actress: Almost Famous, 200 Cigarettes, Dr. T & the Women, The Cutting Room, Four Feathers, Le Divorce ; daughter of actress Goldie Hawn
★~ Did You Know:
♥~ Garlic contains 17 amino acids. Amino acids are essential to nearly every bodily function.
♥~ Garlic, along with onions and chives, is a member of the lily family.
♥~ Pliny the Elder, c.23-79 AD, historian, scientist and pharmacologist, claimed that taking garlic with coriander and neat wine was a powerful Roman aphrodisiac.
♥~ I n medieval times, garlic was regarded as an antidote to drunkenness and overeating.
♥~ Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic.
♥~ Approximately 90 percent of the garlic grown in the United States is grown in California.
♥~ For the prevention of sunburn, field workers in the Mediterranean regions would rub slices of garlic on their lips and noses. Taken internally, crushed garlic will give relief to colds, coughs and whooping cough. Painful corns can be soothed by rubbing garlic on them.
♥~ Egyptian slaves built the pyramids on a diet of garlic, bread and water.
♥~ Garden tip: The next time aphids are attacking your roses try spraying them with a mixture of crushed garlic and water…watch them drop
♥~ When the French joined a Soviet space mission in late 1986, their menus caused an international stir. The French would not go into space without garlic and apparently the ventilation system couldn’t dispel the aromas quickly enough for Soviet spacemen–which led to some interesting diplomatic talks
As far as I can tell from my extensive El Morno garlic research, about the only thing garlic can’t do is deter dogs from sniffing out what they are meant to sniff out. So just keep that in mind when you cross the border—the hounds will sniff past that garlic clove quicker than you can say Scooby Doo.
The many uses for garlic include: cooking, roasting, treating acne, repelling mosquitoes, and protecting pets and gardens. Garlic can be used as fish bait, glue, facial cleanser, cough syrup, an aphrodisiac, or an antibiotic for cuts and scrapes. It can also relieve ear aches, reduce stomach acids, lower blood pressure, help to prevent heart attacks, and protect us from evil.
My research can only lead me to conclude that garlic is amazing. However, I am telling you right now, after hearing for my whole life that “you are what you eat”—no matter how good it is for me—garlic is off my food list!
Well!! So tell me how do you like garlic? Do you have a favorite way of using garlic? I’m just curious! Odd Loves Company!
OMG. I do not want to have garlic butt. Thank you for the warning. i hope in moderation garlic is okay. I do love garlic bread!
I have to think about this-I really do. Have a great day.
I know I was shocked we had not been warned earlier of this garlic side effect.
Maybe just one piece of garlic bread. . .
Love garlic. I buy it in bunches and go through it in a week. I even have a garlic roaster!
Thanks for the facts! Butt not the picture!
A garlic roaster than is serious! Butt seriously do you use it or does it gather dust under the counter?
That garlic butt almost makes me not like garlic anymore….
I know. I think it a rare side effect though. Uncommon except under very extreme circumstances.
I am Nancy Queen of Garlic! I do not know how it happened because we did not have it in our house. My neighbor showed me how to grow and harvest it very young. My parents thought when I first was married that I was obsessed with garlic and olive oil. Our food at home was quite bland so I truly enjoyed a Mediterrnanean diet and I learned how to prepare it when I was a young wife.
In any even I used it like mad it all the baby food I prepared with my Cuisinart. I would take garlic, lamb and fresh spinach and this is what my babies ate for their meals. Chicken and garlic pureed! My babies smelled like garlic but they were rarely sick. My daughter went through eight years of grammar school with no absences!
I love it and think it makes everything taste delicious!
Mrs. Leahy,
My mom told me about your comment but did not know if you were Italian or not. She thought maybe only Irish. I am sorry to say if you are not Italian you can only be a princess or baroness of garlic. Sorry. You can still like it as much as a queen though.
Thank you,
P.S. If you are Italian than the Queen title is still yours.
I will give you the title either way Nancy. The mashed garlic in the baby food sealed it as far as I was concerned.
I lived surrounded by the Italians not far from your home Cole. Our food was boiled and boring compared to there food than I could smell between the gangways! Yum!!
My sister Debbie married into a first generation Italian family. Papa Joe made homemade salami, capicole, wine and cheeses. I love their home especially the basement where all these items hung from the rafters. I learned to cook by Mrs Madda’s side and on my first Christmas I made one hundred fifty Raviolli with her guidance. I ended up crippled and she was fine. She was five feet tall and didn’t have a problem bending over anything. I was 5’10 and almost died!
I’ve always made everything from scratch and love Italian and Greek food. I cook a lot of food for my son and his friends in college. His roomates swear I am just like Marie Barone on Everybody Likes Raymond. I think the character is funny but I now know I need help because I am a serious helicopter mom just like Marie. I would put my Italian food against any Italian even though I am Irish. There use to be a cute commercial in the sixties and it said ” you don’t have to be Italian to cook like one”. So I take back my title of Garlic Queen young sir!
Cole I invite you to come out and golf with Mr. Leahy this summer, I will make you a pizza and let you decide if it’s an authentic Italian pizza?
I want you to come prepared with all the ingredients for a chocalate chip Cannoli. It must be made from scratch! Capiche? You make the desert and I will make the pizza. The next morning I will show you how to make Irish bread this way you can taste the best of both cultures.
I missed Garlic Day! We love garlic at our house too!
“Bewitched” was one of my favourite shows growing up…
Loved Dudley Moore! I think Kate Hudson looks more like her mom every day…love them both!