Today is Picasso’s Birthday. Lets muse about art.
When Cole showed me his latest foray into hand art, I was impressed at the intricacy and the detail. I haven’t always been as generous about his hand art but have grown to appreciate it over time. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt knowing that with a little soap and water, the canvas is erased.
I asked Cole if he would answer a few questions about his hand art, and I was drop dead surprised when he agreed without a bribe.
“Cole, can you share with us what inspires your hand art?”
“Boredom mostly.”
“What kind of pen do you use?”
“A fine Bic pen.”
“What is the hardest part to do?”
“Well, any part where I have to twist my arm in order to reach my hand is hard. The sides of the finger were really hard to do.”
“How long does it take you?”
“Oh, about the length of a class . . . or let’s just say about an hour.”
“What do you use for inspiration?”
“I like using different shapes, symbols, angles, and lines.
“Where do you start a design? ”
When I draw a design on my hand I follow the outline of the palm, with fingers I start at the joint.
What advice do you have for other people who might want to to try hand art?
“Just pick up a pen and start drawing on yourself, I guess.”
“Who are some of your favorite artists?”
“I like most of the artists of the Renaissance period: Michelangelo, Leonard Da’Vinci, Raphael.”
“How do you feel about Picasso?”
“He’s okay I guess. A little strange.”
What would you say to people who think drawing on yourself is tasteless and not art.
“I guess, I would wonder why they felt that way.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
“No, because their view point of art is obviously very limited.”
“What about people who say, you have too much time on your hands?”
(roll of eyes)
Cole what do you think is the most beautiful pieces of art you have ever seen or read about.
The Pietå by Michelangelo
Thank you for sharing Cole and not charging me handsomely for this interview.
Feel free to freely to muse with me….Odd Loves Company!
Cole has excellent taste in Artists, not to mention that he is also very artistic himself. He could possibly put that skill to good use by learning how to do henna art , he’d be in great demand for weddings and such.
Thanks Antoinette. It was a treat being in Italy with him right after he had learned about the Renaissance. I learned a lot and like my most mom’s found his enthusiasm exciting.
Cole is very talented. The hand art is impressive but the self portriet at his age is very good. I looked at some the photographs of your son and for a teenager to be able to capture himself shows amazing insight. The skills he is learning at the Waldorf school plus his talent should take him far in many different areas of design.
Thanks Mark. Cole loves design and you are right he’s at the perfect school. He will appreciate your comments on his self portriet he worked hard on it.
Thanks for dropping by Odd!
“Oh, about the length of a class . . . or let’s just say about an hour.” I found this answer illuminating and hilarious!
I was amused as well and did not feel the need to ask which class…at least he was putting his time to good use.
Cole is really good. The design on the finger is amazing. We may be talking to him about a hyena birthday party in the near future.
I’m sure he would love to talk with you. Right now he practicing on “other” people.
That’s amazing!! He can be a hyena artist. And I love his answer, the honesty of a teenager..
Cole is nothing if not honest :-). Thanks I will pass your comments along to him. He is starting to practice on other people. Maybe me this this weekend!