It’s Hot! I Hate the Hot Weather Like the Pope Hates the Devil!

The temperature in Chicago at 5:25pm is 100 degrees.

It’s hot! The moment the temperature approaches eighty, I turn the air conditioning on. I know people who don’t like air conditioning; I’m not one of those people. Air conditioning may not be good for the environment, but it’s good for me. Yep, ME. Color me self-centered, but I’m not suffocating in oppressive heat for the greater good. I feel better when I can breathe.

However, before someone blasts me for pumping out heat and harmful gases into the external environment—thus contributing to global warming, which means I will just need to turn my air conditioner up higher to cool my micro environment—let me ease my guilt and boost my social conscience by sharing some ideas on how to stay cool naturally!

  • Place a frozen cabbage leaf under your baseball cap. If it worked for Babe Ruth, it might work for you!
  • Chill your pulse points by running cold water over your wrists. Splashing water on your temples or face can produce a similar effect.
  • Want to cool the bed down? Fill a standard hot water bottle with ice water. Use it to cool your ankles and the back of your knees. You can also try bagging your sheets and tossing them into the freezer for an hour or two before bed.  No, I have never done this…I can’t imagine what remaking the bed would be like. 
  • Freeze a big plastic bottle or two full of water. Set it in front of your fan. Direct the fan so it’s blowing toward you. You WILL feel a difference. This works!
  • Mint can help make you feel cooler, so make peppermint iced tea, chew Wrigley’s Doublemint gum or eat fresh mint.
  • A mint spritz is very refreshing. Just add a peppermint tea bag or some fresh mint to a mist sprayer bottle, refrigerate until very cold, shake it up and when you are hot and bothered (from the heat), just spritz it over your face, feet and wrists.

How will you beat the heat this summer?

Odd Loves Company!

12 thoughts on “It’s Hot! I Hate the Hot Weather Like the Pope Hates the Devil!

  1. I married a man who turned the AC on in March – it’s been off exactly 3x since. Our home is never ever above 69 degrees. When you visit, and I hope you do, bring a sweater.

  2. My poor Sheltie follows me around the house, draping himself across whatever air conditioning vent is in the room where I am! I’ve found that being barefoot is cooler than wearing sneakers and socks in this weather; also, I keep a fan in my office to stir the A/C breezes a bit!

    • I never wear shoes in the summer and my feet reflect it. If you put a water bottle in front of your fan creating “swamp cooler” it will cool even more. My pups love our tile and kiddie pools. Smart Sheltie! With that heavy coat they need the extra a/c.

  3. Oh you big heat babies!!! I sit on the patio every night with Trinket and it’s lovely out there. If it’s a bit warm I simply turn on the ceiling fan.
    I also am drinking my new favorite drink all day long, Ice black tea with lemonade added to it. Hmmmm so good and refreshing.

  4. I have a rough coat collie, and like Debbie’s sheltie in the comment above, Taffy wants nothing more than to lie in the A/C. My cats like the warmth, but Taffy simply wilts in Long Island humidity and heat.

    • Funny my Rascal loves to sun bath (like a cat) but often ends up panting but hates to leave the sun. I’m sure she would love it if I put a fan in the sun for her.
      Collies have such a heavy coat…they need the cool to be comfortable.

  5. When going to Texas and knowing we would be sitting/standing in the hot sun, I invested in a little fan that is like a little box with batteries that hangs around your neck on a little black thin rope. It has opening at the top of it and when turned on it blows air upward toward you face and neck. Came in very handy I must say. It was only about $6.00 at Wal- Mart. That is my little FYI tip for today.

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