Water Challenge—Get Wet With Us!


Facebook. How I do I like thee!

Today on Facebook’s El Morno, we had a chat about challenges, and before we knew it, we were planning our own 21-day July challenge. The following Facebook conversation took place over morning coffee and includes Emily (my food-of-the-day partner), Julianne (Chicago northwest-sider), and me.

Read along — perhaps you will have some ideas for us . . . or want to join the challenge!

Julianne: A 30-day challenge. Intriguing. I could probably use a mix up for 30 days. It could be my Lent in summer!

Emily: I could give up something or set a goal for 30 days.

Katybeth: Maybe we need to set challenge to walk every day, or to eat M&M’s.

Julianne: I think I could commit to something for 30 days. Maybe diet inspired . . . no chocolate . . . no wine . . .

Katybeth: Our challenge should be fun. FUN.

Julianne: Eating a brownie a day?

Emily: Ooh, yum!

Katybeth: Love your flexibility, Julianne.

Julianne: Maybe we should commit to jumping into a body of water a day for 30.

Emily: I ♥ water.

Katybeth: Cool idea!

Emily: Pun intended?

Katybeth: The water idea is definitely on the table. Any other ideas? We could wear a certain color every day for a month — purple flower, purple shirt, purple thong, purple socks.

Julianne: Walking x number of miles a day; walking x number of minutes; abstaining from nos . . .

Katybeth: Walking might be fun because then we could work up to running, and then we could have an El Morno marathon — one mile followed by a cuppa and great food. We could have t-shirts and water bottles, fund it on Kickstart . . .

Emily: I like the walking idea, except at the moment walking hurts. I screwed up my foot hiking a few weeks ago and have been walking funny; now my back and knee hurt too. Chiropractor tomorrow.

Katybeth: Fine. There goes my dream of an El Morno marathon.

Emily: So sorry.

Katybeth: It’s ok.

Julianne: I would like to do something mind/body oriented. How about moisturizing every day?

Katybeth: Moisturizing? As in rubbing lotion on ourselves every day for 30 days?

Julianne: Soft skin could be very satisfying.

Katybeth: Ok. What about doing something new, something we have never done before every day for a month.

Julianne: What haven’t I done? I’m thinking.

Katybeth: It would be a tougher challenge for you than most . . .

Emily: Thirty days of yoga?

Julianne: Smoothies for breakfast every day? Don’t buy anything new for yourself? No junk food? No eating between meals? No swearing . . .

Emily: No swearing? FUCK THAT!

Katybeth: Emily!! I can’t believe I’m going to have to like that.

Julianne: Water — drink, splash, swim, frolic, sprinkle. Oh, the options are endless.

Emily: I think summer is perfect for the water idea. God knows, we won’t do that in December. 😉

Katybeth: We could have a poem about water.

Emily: A shower a day helps keep odor away. That kind of poem?

Katybeth: YES! Exactly that kind of poem.

Katybeth: I think we have found our 30-day challenge — such as it may be — water!

Julianne: Ok, starting tomorrow, we will begin our H2O challenge, baby steps.

Katybeth: Yes, baby steps. We wouldn’t want to over challenge ourselves.

Emily: I see water gun fights in my future. 😀

Katybeth: Shall we invite others to join our challenge?

Julianne: I believe we could open up this challenge to everyone. It’s pretty inclusive. You’d have to be all wet not to be able to participate.

Katybeth: The Great 30-Day Water Challenge?

Julianne: “Great”? How about the FIRST 30-Day Challenge. Hopefully, we can up the ante a bit in August.

Katybeth: You’re right! “First” is better, leads to fewer expectations. We don’t want to make it too hard for people.

Julianne: I love how a simple idea can explode into an even more simple challenge.

Katybeth: Let’s write the challenge blurb, so we can post it on our pages.

Juliane: “07-10 to 07-31: Your invited to the First 21-Day Water Challenge. WATER — swim, sprinkle, drink, bathe, wash, scrub, frolic, you’re choice, but commit to water for 21 days. This month’s challenge sponsored by Julianne, Emily, and Katybeth

Katybeth: How will we post our results?

Julianne: It could be like that lame Breast Cancer memo that went around a few years ago, where you posted what color bra you were wearing. We could simply post: “drank, swam, showered . . .”

Katybeth: That works.

Emily: Are we raising awareness for something water related then?

Katybeth: NO.

Julianne: LMAO!

Emily: Oh, come on, sponsor a well in Zambia.

Katybeth: NO.

Emily: Fine, fine.

Katybeth: Ok, are we done here. Is this a wrap? Oh, there is another challenge —lettuce wraps for 30 days. Add it to the list.

Emily: Twenty-one days of water begins tomorrow. We post daily and tag each other. And we will brainstorm other 30-day challenges for August.

Katybeth: Flossing or moisturizing, perhaps.

Emily: Flossing is out; though noble, no one wants to see pictures of freshly flossed teeth. Really!

Katybeth: Fine, fine. No flossing.

Julianne: Later!

We hope you will jump into the First 21-Day Water Challenge with us! Share your water challenge experiences each day on the My Odd Family Facebook page. You don’t have to join Facebook to comment on this page, and of course, you can always leave a comment right here on Odd because ODD LOVES COMPANY!!

18 thoughts on “Water Challenge—Get Wet With Us!

  1. Now this is a challenge I might be able to handle and it sounds FUN. Kb your Facebook group is the best! I’m in.

  2. Water, water, every where,
    And all the boards did shrink;
    Water, water, every where,
    Nor any drop to drink.

    Not that I think your poem needs improvement but this one came to mind.

    I will toast your efforts with a glass of water. Now could you just tell me what the food of the day is?

    Have a good one!

  3. Love Emily’s idea of water fights. This looks like something I could involve my kids in–once again Odd saves my sanity by suggesting some new idea that might tone down the whining in my house.
    Not sure I will remember to post something every day but I’m with you.

    • Just post what you can…I will hunt through comments and try to keep track…after all, we all know that i do not have a life. :-D. Water fight–Great idea!

  4. Too Funny “I love how a simple idea can explode into an even more simple challenge.” Only your group would come up with the challenge to do anything, anything at all with water and then question if it’s too hard for people. Love the brownie idea for next month!
    I will play–hopefully I can handle the pressure.

  5. Day 1: shower, coffee and it’s only 7:15! I’ll check back in a few. I’m really sort of proud.

    • The shower counts. The coffee does NOT–yes I know coffee is made with water but everything is made with water–we need to have some standards or people are not going to take us seriously.

      Good Job on the shower!! And I know you have also had 2 glasses of WATER.

    • Of-course it counts! So far on Facebook we have:
      2 showers
      2 glasses of water
      1 pedicure—soaked feet
      1 over watering of outside plants

      You are fitting right in.

  6. Well dam. I’m always on the wrong page. I started walking on my treadmill today. First time since I broke my ankle. I’m totally committed to getting back to everyday. Maybe I should be totally commited!!!LOL

    • Just drink a glass of water after being on the treadmill and you are part of the challenge…Trinkets bath on Friday—take a picture…and be part of the challenge ;-D

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