~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
★~ Today’s Quote: “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein
★~ National Coming Out Day:
Twenty-five years ago today, half a million people participated in a historic march on Washington, D.C., for gay rights.Fired up from the march, organizers found a way to keep the march alive. The first National Coming Out Day was celebrated on Oct. 11, 1988.
National Coming Out Day promotes civil awareness about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues and lifestyles.
★~ National Sausage Pizza Day:
For some, cheese is never enough, vegetables are better served as a side dish and meat is king. If you fit this description, then sausage pizza was made for you.
From sausage crumbles to chorizo, you can get mighty creative with the kind of meat you like to eat on a sausage pizza. But for some, it’s all in how you pair the cheese and the sausage.
If you want to go with spicy, set-your-mouth-on-fire sausage, a buffalo mozzarella might be just the ticket to calm things down. Or if you like your pizza with Tabasco instead of marinara, pepperjack is a great complement to chorizo as well.
Sweet pairings with fruit, like figs and goat cheese, or bold, spicy deep dish concoctions are great for those looking beyond the traditional meat-lover’s special. Try some of these ideas from Epicurious.
Sausage pizza is the second most popular type of pizza in the United States -Anyone want to guess what tops this list? Click For More Fascinating Pizza Facts.
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1878 – Outlaw Wild Bill Longley, who killed at least a dozen men, was hanged. But it took two tries. On the first try, the rope slipped and Wild Bill’s knees dragged on the ground.
♥~ 1881 – Roll film for cameras was patented. Was it George Eastman or Mr. Fuji who patented the stuff? No. That honor belongs to D.H. Houstonof Cambria, Wisconsin.
♥~ 1975 – “Live from New York! It’s Saturday Night!” The late-night comedy show, Saturday Night Live, made its debut — with George Carlin as the first guest host. Also in the cast: the ensemble of Chevy Chase, John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin and the voice of Don Pardo. SNL would continue — with many changes — to become the highest rated late-night show ever.
♥~ 1988 – Mathematicians used a network of computers in the United States, Europe, and Australia to factor a 100-digit number for the first time.
★~Born Today:
♥~ 1844 – H.J. (Henry John) Heinz catsup & pickle mogul: Heinz 57 Varieties; died May 14, 1919
♥~ 1884 – Eleanor Roosevelt First Lady: wife of 32nd U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; U.S. Delegate to the United Nations; died Nov 7, 1962
♥~ 1906 – Charles Revson cosmetic mogul: founder of the Revlon Co.; died Aug 24, 1975
♥~ 1918 – Jerome Robbins (Rabinowitz) Academy Award-winning director: West Side Story [1961]; Tony Award-winning choreographer: Fiddler on the Roof [1965], West Side Story[1958], High Button Shoes [1948]; Tony Award-winning director: Fiddler on the Roof [1965], Jerome Robbins’ Broadway [1989]; died July 29, 1998
♥~ 1932 – Dottie West (Dorothy Marie Marsh) Grammy Award-winning singer: Here Comes My Baby, Country Sunshine, Is this Me?, Would You Hold It Against Me, Paper Mansions; [w/Don Gibson]: Rings of Gold, There’s a Story Goin’ Round; [w/Kenny Rogers]
♥~ 1937 – Ron Leibman Emmy Award-winning actor: Kaz [1978-79]; Tony Award-winner: Angels in America: Millennium Approaches [1993]; We Bombed in New Haven, Pacific Station, The Hot Rock, Norma Rae
♥~ 1950 – Andrew Woolfolk musician: reeds: group: Earth, Wind and Fire: Shining Star, Sing a Song, Got to Get You into My Life, After the Love Has Gone, Let’s Groove,Boogie Wonderland.
♥~ 1962 – Joan Cusack actress: Saturday Night Live, Addams Family Values, Broadcast News, Married to the Mob, My Bodyguard, Sixteen Candles, Working Girl, Toys.
★~ Did You Know: Today is 10/11/12?
I love dates that, bling up our calendars and surprise us just a little bit.
Festivals of Numerical Coincidence sneak up on you. I wasn’t looking forward to, 10/11/12, a week ago. We’re you? I’ve always liked numerical celebrations. They come without tradition or expectation. There’s no nostalgia weighing you down. It’s just sort of a nice day, in a feng shui sort of way.
But, as our Aussie El Morno friend remind me, Americans are almost alone in expressing our days as month/day/year. Most of the rest of the world goes (logically!) in increasing denominations of time (day/month/year). In those places, todays date is rather awkward 11/10/12. The rest of the world will have its day on Nov. 10, without us. But don’t worry I am going to write the date on my calendar so we can write 11/10/12 on 10/11/12 and enjoy a day with international BLING.
The orderly folks at the international Organization for Standardization, which is of course in Geneva, use 8601 Standard, and are on another page entirely: They want to go year/month/day, which at least makes today seem like it’s leading up to something good, 12/11/10. If you read the date right to left.
The bad news is after this year Numerical Coincidences of Consistence days will be a thing of the past for most of us. There won’t be a 13/13/13. The good news is the whole world can all celebrate 12/12/12 together so be sure to circle it on your calendar and of-course I will here to remind you!
As I was writing about 10/11/12, a loud explosion came from my kitchen ,and I thought to myself–WOW fireworks. My next thought was..in my kitchen? And then I remembered the hard boiled eggs I was boiling. Eggplosion Video at 11am.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy 10/11/12.
10/11/12. That is cool. I like Sausage pizza with mushrooms and tons of cheese. Sounds like a good lunch.
Saturday Night isn’t as good as it used to be but it’s better than it was for awhile. I watch when my kids home and staying at my place.
Your eggs exploded? That must be a real mess.
Have a good one.
It was a real mess! I love mushrooms on pizza! Hope you had one for lunch.
Thank goodness you are here to tell us these things. I would have looked at the calendar all day and not made the connection.
Sausage pizza for dinner?? As a celebration of 10/11/12? Order out? Buy one at the store and add a salad and garlic bread? MMMM. The possibilities are endless.
Sorry about the hard boiled eggs. It’s a mess, I know.
Happy to oblige. I hope you had your 10/11/12 day pizza celebration…I voted for going out, of-course!
I don’t envy you the prospect of cleaning up those exploded eggs! Love the bling of 10/11/12 — glad there’s no 13/13/13 though. Not a fan of sausage — and I really don’t want to know what’s inside it!
I rarely want to know about where the food I eat comes from beyond the grocery store. I do try very hard to buy food from places where the animals are treated well…organic farms. I love sausage but I am not interested in the details!
Well, clean up wasn’t so bad as my cleaning lady was due to arrive. She has worked for me forever and while she does shake her head, she understands because, she had been with me forever.
like today’s quote.
i noticed the 10/11/12 early this morning at the credit union & thought how cool.
thought the first couple years of snl were the best. haven’t watched the show in decades.
grooved to earth, wind & fire. well…..did my best anyway!
is pepperoni pie #1? i prefer a traditional cheese pie.
Cheese pizza is number 1 but pepperoni pizza is almost tied. I think Cheese pizza pulls because of it popularity with kids…not that there is anything wrong with liking a plain old cheese pizza..or anything.