Week End Odds And Ends

Art of Clean and Tidy

♥~ For the OCD In You:  The Art of Clean Up: Life Made Neat and Tidy. I’m giving Cole this book for his birthday. Scroll down to see how you can win your very own copy!


♥~ Good Read . . .

A wonderful story about good people:  We Found Our Son In The Subway by Peter Mercurio.

♥~ Our Life and Times…


Airport Logic

♥~ Passive Aggressive Neighbors . . .


♥~ Pet Interview – Guinea Pig: I admit it, I watched more than once. Thank you Odd Friend Cynthia


♥~ Facebook is a real time saver….



Have you ever wanted to put your alphabet soup into alphabetical order or sort the night sky by star size? For some of you, I bet the answer is YES!   What has to be, “just so” in your environment or what you would straighten out and organize if only you were in charge?  Do share, for a chance to win a copy of,  The Art of Clean Up: Life Made Neat and Tidy.  I will toss all the comments into a hat and pull one lucky winner.

FUN, right?!

Have a sassy Saturday!


20 thoughts on “Week End Odds And Ends

  1. Pingback: Same Old Stuff Day, Banana Cream Pie Day, Dr. Seuss Day

  2. I like all my shoes to go in the same direction. My kids insist this is OCD behavior..I tell them nonsense, everyone knows if your shoes point in different directions it is bad luck.
    Guinea pig is funny.

    • What do kids know anyway! Shoes in different directions?? Bad luck in truck loads. Thank God you know the right way to do things.
      Glad the Guinea pig amused you too!

  3. Sassy Saturday? Sounds like fun 😀
    Well, I’m not OCD like Mike ^ or anything BUT I don’t like it when things stick up — allow me to be specific—like pencils, or scissors or lipsticks. I think of this as being more safety conscious than OCD. If a put the pencils in your pencil holder down, you are less likely to stab yourself. Thoughtful, right?
    I love the guinea pig interview and those neighbors are pretty funny!
    I have a million miles of errands to run before I rest so I had better get to it.

    • Very thoughtful!! I don’t care if things go up or down as long as they go one direction or the other.
      The guinea pig was too cute. I want one but my mother said no. Darn it.
      Hope you got your errands run and had a little fun along the way.

  4. life made neat & tidy……that appeals to me. a lot. saves time & effort.
    hope those aren’t my neighbors.
    cute & sassy guinea pig! the going here & there hair on his muzzle reminds me of a miniature schnauzer i had before nik.
    what in my environment would be arranged *just so*? practically everything! my albums/cds are in alphabetical AND chronological order. traffic! i would straighten out & organize this city’s traffic!
    am waiting again for the “between the hours of 1pm-5pm” guy. sassy would not descriptive word as the hours crawl by…..

    • Love Schnauzers! What was her name? We use to have a darling one named, Lily. Lily moved with her people and I still miss her.
      Traffic should be given to people with a strong desire to bring order to chaos but instead I think they find the ADD types and give them the job. . .and don’t you just love the people they put in orange vests and allow to direct traffic–you know their music collection is a mess, and they put hangers in their closets all willy nilly. If I was interviewing people for certain jobs I would insist they bring me a picture of their pantry, book shelves and closet!!

      • sam/sammie was his name. john needed to floor it into the garage to avoid hitting this grey mop speeding in his direction! sam was part of the family for 10 years. he went from being the last in the pecking order of three dogs to #1 dog for eight years.

  5. “Neat and Tidy” was made for me — what Virgos aren’t neat and tidy??

    As to what I organize, why everything, of course! My sister thinks I’m odd for stacking canned veggies, soups, tuna, etc. with their labels all facing out. How else is one expected to see what’s in the pantry?!

    And I’ve got stacks of clear boxes (all properly labeled!) for things like cards, photos, memorabilia. Sadly, not everyone (meaning Domer!) has my obsession, ha!!

    • It was made for you. I agree but maybe you should send a copy to your sis? I mean really…it only makes sense to turn the labels of food items facing out…Why in heavens name wouldn’t you stack them that way? Besides being practical it is ascetically pleasing!
      Do you have a labeler? I love mine, one of the best gifts ever. We label everything.
      And what about office supply stores???? Couldn’t you just spend all day browsing?

  6. Guinea pig was really cute, and NO you can’t have one!!!
    I like for things to be put back where they belong. I hate looking for stuff. Mr. Scissors needs to be put back in his cup with Ms. letter opener. If you take it out, simply put it back. Is that to much to ask???

    • BUT MOMMMMMM. I REALLY WANT ONE…It would be like two pets….a turtle and a guinea pig!!!! And he is SO CUTE.
      No it’s not to much to ask unless you want me to put the duct tape in the pantry with the cracker, soup, and Bisquick. Like things belong with like things. Mr Scissors would be much happy living with Ms. Tape for example. He has less in common with Ms Letter Opener although I agree that they are both sharp. Perhaps that is the problem—two sharp object together. Why not put Ms. Letter Opener with the envelope children and Aunt Postage and her family of stamps? Think about it, could work! (for those of you reading this comment…I told you my family is odder than yours…..)

  7. I can’t pick just one thing from this post that is my favorite! They all were great! Talking guinea pigs, FB status updates,the airport logic—all perfect for my Saturday! Neat and Tidy?? Sounds like utopia!

    • Thanks. I look around the internet all week and am amazed at the clever things that pop up.
      Neat and Tidy…We went to dinner tonight and I had French fries…Cole and I organized them by size on my plate…it was fun. Maybe the current craving for order has to do with a world that has been spinning so fast these days but I find it very appealing these days too

  8. No, I never did want to be that organized….but I’d like to be a little more organized than I am which is not at all. Have a great weekend!

    • Sounds like a title for a country western hit: “I’d like to be a little more organized that I am, which is not at all.” Sing it!!

  9. Pingback: National (US) Anthem Day, Opposable Thumbs Day, Peach Blossom Day, Be Happy Day, NameSake Day,Cold Cuts Day

  10. Didn’t see this till today. But I like organization. I organize my food before I eat. If you serve me tricolor pasta, guess which color goes first? Here’s a hint. If I have a bag of skittles I eat them in this order. Green, yellow, orange. Then purple and finally red. Though sometimes I get a little crazy and eat the purple ones last. But not often. I think it’s a throwback to my childhood growing up in Canada and the advertising jingle for smarties. It went something like this: When you eat your smarties do you eat the red ones last? Do you suck them very slowly or crunch them very fast. When you eat your smarties oh tell me when I ask. When you eat your smarties do you eat the red ones last? Bear in mind Canadian smarties are candy coated chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

  11. Correction (I just watched some YouTube videos of these old commercials). It goes more like this: When you eat your smarties do you eat the red ones last? Do you suck them very slowly or crunch them very fast. Eat that candy coated chocolate but tell me when I ask. When you eat your smarties do you eat the red ones last! So there you have it. I can blame the Canadian advertising culture for my OCD 🙂

    • This is rich…Uhm…Ok. What I think I need to do first is watch the You Tube video…..and then buy some Smarties to truly understand. The tri-color pasta…concerns me a little. :-D.
      Yes..the media Canadian or American can be blamed for so much….Just for the record I am a cruncher very fast.

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