~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
September 27, 2013
★~ Today’s Quote: Genealogy: A perverse preoccupation of those who seek to demonstrate that their forebears were better people than they are. ~ –Sydney J. Harris
★~ Ancestor Appreciation Day:
It’s estimated that genealogy is the second-most-popular hobby among Americans. (Gardening is number one. You would’ve thought it was scrapbooking, right?). Today is celebrated by reflecting on our ancestors, and the ways in which they influenced our lives.
★~ Crush a Can Day:
How flat can you crush that can? Give it a try. It’s a great way to relieve stress especially if you give it a good kick after you have smashed it as flat as a fritter. Americans crushed and recycled 56 billion aluminum cans last year.
★~ Chocolate Milk Day:
Like practically any edible creation, chocolate milk has come a long way. Before the invention of the cocoa press, chocolate milk was once a very fatty, unrefined chocolate drink made from whole cocoa beans sweetened and flavored with sugar and spices. The creation of the cocoa press in 1928 made removing the cocoa fat from the bean possible, which resulted in a smoother, more digestible quaff.
While chocolate milk may be a drink more associated with childhood, a recent survey of adult Americans found that more than 50 percent of Americans voted chocolate to be their favorite flavor. And it doesn’t just taste good! El Morno friend Irene shared that chocolate milk is the perfect pick-me-up after a hard workout.
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1530: Pope Urban VII (real name, Giovanni Castagna) died on this date in 1590. He had only been the pope for 13 days, the shortest papacy ever. There was no controversy about the cause of death: Pope Urban died of malaria.
♥~ 1888 – “Jack The Ripper” Letter: Anniversary.” In the midst of the “Autumn of Terror” in which London, England, was convulsed over the crimes of a brutal serial killer, the city’s Central News Agency received a letter written in red ink purporting to be written by the killer. He dubbed himself “Jack the Ripper” and threatened more killings. Police at the time believed (and most historians today believe) the letter to be a hoax by an irresponsible journalist, but the name took hold in the public imagination and is forever associated with the Whitechapel murders of 1888.
♥~ 1954 – The Tonight Show debuted on NBC on this date in 1954. Steve Allen was host for the first three years, succeeded by Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, and Jay Leno again. Jimmy Fallon will become the next “Tonight Show” host in 2014.
♥~ 1991 – A Decatur, Alabama, auto dealership accepted a 450-pound bull as part trade-in on a Lincoln Town Car.
★~Famous Birthdays:
♥~ 1929 – Sada Thompson Emmy Award-winning actress: Family [1977-78]; Tony Award-winning actress: Twigs [1972]; Our Town, Desperate Characters; died May 4, 2011
♥~ 1943 – Randy Bachman musician: guitar, singer: groups: Bachman-Turner Overdrive: Let It Ride, Takin’ Care of Business, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, Roll on Down the Highway, The Guess Who: Shakin’ All Over, These Eyes, Laughing, No Time, American Woman, No Sugar Tonight
♥~ 1947 – Meat Loaf (Michael Lee Aday) musician, singer: Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad, Paradise by the Dashboard Light; actor: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Americathon, Roadie
♥~ 1958 – Shaun Cassidy singer: Da Doo Ron Ron, That’s Rock ’n’ Roll, Hey Deanie, Do You Believe in Magic; actor: The Hardy Boys Mysteries, Breaking Away, General Hospital, Blood Brothers; son of Jack Cassidy & Shirley Jones; half-brother of David Cassidy
♥~ 1972 – Gwyneth Paltrow Academy Award-winning actress: Shakespeare in Love [1998]; Hook, Great Expectations, A Perfect Murder, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Bounce,The Anniversary Party, Possession, The Royal Tenenbaums, Shallow Hal, View from the Top, Proof, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,Sylvia, Spain – On The Road Again, Glee
♥~ 2013 – Google is celebrating its 15th birthday (1998) with a piñata doodle appearing on its home page. Users hit a swinging piñata with a stick using the space bar to release sweets and earn points. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GOOGLE.
★~ Good to Know:
Have you ever wondered why we call the seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter?
Before Spring was called Spring, it was called Lent in Old English. Starting in the 14th century, that time of year was called “springing time”—a reference to plants “springing” from the ground. In the 15th century this got shortened to “spring-time,” and then further shortened in the 16th century to just “spring.”
“Summer” came from the Old English name for that time of year, sumor. This, in turn, came from the Proto-Germanic sumur-, which itself came from the Proto-Indo-European root sam- (sam- seems to be a variant of the Proto-Indo-European sem-, meaning “together / one”).
The origin of “fall” as a name for a season isn’t perfectly clear, though it’s thought that it probably came from the idea of leaves falling from trees (particularly the contraction of the English saying “fall of the leaf”). It first popped up as a name for a season in late-16th century England and became particularly popular during the 17th century, at which point it made its way over to North America. “Autumn,” meanwhile, came to English via the Old French autompne, from the Latin autumnus. From here, things get murky, but it’s thought autumnus probably came from an Etruscan word and is possibly related to the Latin augere, meaning “to increase.”
Calling the season autumn first occurred in English in the 12th century, though was a rarity until around the 14th century. It then began to pick up steam and became common in the 16th century—about the same time “fall” popped up as the name for the season. Before the season was autumn or fall in English, though, it was called “harvest.”
“Winter,” meanwhile, derives from the Proto-Germanic wentruz. This, in turn, probably comes from the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) wed, meaning “wet,” or it may come from the PIE wind-, meaning “white.” Either way, the Proto-Germanic wentruz gave rise to the Old English “winter” as the fourth season of the year, and the name for the season has stuck around ever since.
Incidentally, you may also wonder why the seasons are called seasons. The word “season” in this context comes from the Old French seison, meaning “sowing / planting.” This in turn came from the Latin sationem, meaning “sowing.” Initially, this referred to actually sowing seeds, but later, as with the Old French seison, it shifted definition to refer to the time period when you sow seeds, so literally “seed-time.” Season in this sense in English popped up around the 13th century. It was also around this time that season was first used to refer to seasoning food—in this case from the Old French assaisoner, meaning “to ripen.”
Additional Source: Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology
If you have some spare time this weekend and want to learn how to turn your bath towels into swans here are the directions: The Ultimate Towel Folding Guide and while I am on the subject of folding, I found this video that will demonstrate the steps for folding the fitted sheet!
I am off to the Chicago Waldorf School to partake in the celebration of Michaelmas where my son will be the prince rescued by St. Michael. Cole desperately wanted to play the part of the Prince because the prince did not have any lines, he only has to appear distressed and in need of saving. If you are familiar with the Michaelmas story, I know you are a tad confused …. worry not, I will be back with pictures later.
Odd Loves Company!
Good Morno,
TGIF. I have enough family living close to me, no need to go searching for more. I enjoy a glass of chocolate milk every now and then. It tastes good and it does seem to make you feel better.
I like the friends dog on the graph. Best of both worlds.
Why fold a fitted sheet? I just put it back on the bed. However, I can fold a napkin into a swan.
Have a good one.
We can buy chocolate milk in a glass bottle from a local dairy and it is so good that I only buy it every once in awhile–the real deal has a ton of fat.
Really, you can fold a napkin like a swan? Who knew!
Well, now I feel cheated — I’ve never even seen a cute critter-towel! Of course, I’ve never been on a cruise and I must not be staying at the fanciest of hotels, ha!
Sorry, but Martha Stewart’s fitted sheet-folding video proved more confusing. Since this is a valid concern (Domer has his own place now), I’m going to have to create a video of my own for him.
Used to love chocolate milk but haven’t had any in years.
The Michaelmas ceremony sounds interesting. Yes, do post pictures of Cole looking distressed and in need of saving!
This video might be less confusing https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_Z5k9nWcuFc
Cole watched and could fold without a problem–however, made it clear it wasn’t going to be something he spent much time on…perhaps Domer will care more.
Perhaps, you will teach yourself to fold a critter towel and then you’ll never be without–or not
They changed the Festival around a bit and Cole ended up being the tail of the dragon…He was a lovely tail end tho and love his part.
Yup, I sent this one to Domer, who *will* get some use out of it! I’d taught him ages ago, but he didn’t exactly pick up on it. A refresher is definitely in order — thank you so much!
Oh good—well i just know he spent last night and maybe a large portion of today practicing—cause really who wants a messy linen closet.
When you visit it will do your heart good to open the closet door and either see that you taught him well OR he needs you, he really needs you!
Beautiful fall afternoon-o,
Happy Birthday Google! I remember life before google and as far as i am concerned google has done nothing but improve life and make a whole new world available asking very little in return.
In my past life I worked in a very fancy hotel and learned to fold towels into swans and flowers, fold a fitted sheet perfectly and do amazing things with table napkins. Everyone needs a claim to fame and those are mine. Thank you Ritz Carlton.
Chocolate milk is a big hit around here and now it is almost time for Hot chocolate!
Michaelmas sounds like a wonderful festival. Have fun.
Google–everyones bestie!
The Ritz Carlton! La De Da Da. I bet you learned a lot of tricks and are very sought after as a hostess and house guest!
Michaelmas was fun and our weather is perfect!
How did Cole go from being a Prince to a dragon’s butt????
I haven’t had a glass of milk for over 30 years, however chocolate milk does sound kind of good.
Chocolate milk is very good! And if you can find it in glass bottles—It is the best thing since sliced bread.
my mom’s family has quite a long track record. not so for my dad’s. that’s too bad really.
explanation of the seasons makes pretty good sense!
haven’t had ice cold chocolate milk in ages since i’ve been doing nothing much for a while now.
although……pt released me today! happy about that! i have work to continue for better range of motion & deep tissue to endure to rid scar tissue.
looking forward to play pictures!
good evening!
My dad is the genealogist, he is always unearthing some tidbit. Congrats on the end of PT. Your free at last…good job!
Have a glass of chocolate milk to celebrate…or beer–today is beer day if I ever get around to writing EL Morno—behind after a lovely evening out last night.