Cole took this video of Rascal in slow motion, and it made me giggle…it’s how we all are moving today…very S.L.O.W.L.Y.
Wait for it…..
Maybe not for that long—the video seems to become stuck at about 37 seconds, if this happens, you can place your cursor at the bottom of the video and slide past the stuck part—for those of you old enough to remember it’s a little like a record being stuck in the grove. But instead of stomping your foot, you curse and slide.
Odd Loves Company!
I move like that every day.
Funny. And I hope not true. 😀
Too funny and Rascal as always is adorable.
Thanks. She agrees with you. 😀
Happy New Years. Stayed in my sweat pants all day. Moving slow and enjoying every single minute.
We went to the mall for awhile, but I would have happily hang out at home all day. It’s nice to just be home.
Rascal is beautiful at any speed.
Thank you from Rascal and me….
missed this one. i liked it when rascal looked up at the falling snowflakes!