Musing about about Creamsicle’s and Happiness

Third time was the charm-Emily found real Creamsicle

August 14, 2011:  Creamsicle Day 
Food of the Day for a Year Goal
Day: #39

Sunday was Creamsicle Day and for some unknown reason myself was all crabby and out of sorts. Pleasing myself was impossible so I suggested to myself that we eat a Creamsicle; and myself replied, I hate Creamsicles; and so I said, Oh come on, nobody hates Creamsicles; and myself replied, I have always hated Creamsicles.

Sometimes myself is impossible. Is yourself ever impossible, hard to please, and you worry if you bite yourself you might die? Nothing is wrong: and that is the problem because you feel like everything is wrong and you are not being supported?

I couldn’t do a thing with myself so I finally decided we might as well get it over with and have a Creamsicle.

The minute I took the Creamsicle out of the fridge and unwrapped it, myself began to smile a little; and soon I was licking my Creamsicle while mentally making a list of a few of the little things that made me happy:

The smell of grass just mowed;

A Hershey bar with almonds:

Cold bottles of Coke;

Driving somewhere early in the morning, watching the street lights come on;

Having my hair shampooed; 

Colored straws;

Laughing hard;

Looking through old pictures;

The smell of bacon frying;

An empty dishwasher;

A good book;

My red keen sandals;

A clean car;

An impromptu hug;

Balbo, our oversize teddy bear;

A phone call from a good friend who wants to visit; when she is not in her car going some place; 

El Morno on Facebook;

Sleeping dogs—they are just so cute;

Finding a dime;

Clean sheets on my bed;

Root beer floats;

Hearing a song that reminds me of Joe;

Breakfast on the weekends;

Fresh flowers;

Taking a great picture with my camera;

Painted toenails;

Sharing a Creamsicle;


Nothing on my list is earth shattering—it’s just a list of some of the little things that make my heart happy at any given moment. What is on your happy list? Odd Loves Company!

13 thoughts on “Musing about about Creamsicle’s and Happiness

  1. An Attitude of Gratitude is sometimes what is needed. Glad that you were able to help yourself–get out of the grumpys as well as to a Creamsicle! ♥

    • Very true. Sometimes if I can just find one thing no matter how small or insignificant that makes me happy or to be grateful for my whole mood starts to shift.
      But I’m preaching to the choir aren’t I?

  2. What a simply delightful list, KB! What makes me happy?
    -sharp cheddar cheese & Triscuits
    -my sister, Bonnie (she’s sunshine to me)
    -a comfy couch
    -South Haven, Michigan
    -shopping at Anthropologie with Debbie
    -el morno
    -a good book
    It’s a start, right? Thanks for making me remember. 🙂

  3. Yes, it really is the little things that bring such joy!
    Snuggling with any of my children
    Fresh clean sheets
    Freshly brewed coffee
    Lilacs that waft through the air
    Bold tulips
    Waves against the beach
    Happy socks
    Talking to someone who gets you, even if you just met
    A good haircut
    Cheese, glorious cheese
    Music, any and all can be wonderful
    And on and on.. So many little joys to make one happy me!

  4. What makes me happy…A baby’s laugh, fresh smelling sheets on the bed, a dog in my lap, puppy breath, grandsons, floating in the pool, warm sunshine on my face, the smell of fresh mown hay, a fresh cut lawn, the smell of cement after a hot summer rain, laughing with friends over funny memories, Pink Panther movies, Or Mister Bean. That is just a smidge of what makes me Happy.

  5. My list:
    Smell of the rain, Smell of my baby, Tyra wait for me by the door each time I come home, Kalia sleeping in my arms and hold my finger in her tiny hand, fresh brewed coffe my husband made every morning, unexpected hugs from Tyra, the smell of breakfast food, going through the city in the morning and see the activity, my bailey & bella wagging tails and slobery kisses… oh my gosh, there are a lot more!!!

    • Thank you for sharing your list…I seem to notice a theme around your children! How nice you notice the city and not the traffic; what a great way to start your day.

  6. Starbucks; Mickey Mouse; vacations; coming home from vacations; Sunday dinner; the smell of chlorine and sunscreen (FL summer); Taco Bell Mexican Pizza; Sienfeld; John Candy movies; soft leather purses; shoes.
    I’m sure there’s more but that’s my start.

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