Scrabble Day, Peach Cobbler Day, Odds and Ends

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ April 13, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote: Palindrome as well. My sister’s name is Hannah. Father liked word games. He was fourteen times World Scrabble Champion. When he died, we buried him at Queenzieburn to make use of the triple word score. ~Jasper Fforde ★~ Scrabble Day: The official game of rainy … Continue reading Scrabble Day, Peach Cobbler Day, Odds and Ends

National Pet Day, Barbershop Quartet Day, 8-Track Cassette Tape Day, Cheese Fondue Day

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ April 11, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote:  “It is an impressively arrogant move to conclude that just because you don’t like something, it is empirically not good. I don’t like Chinese food, but I don’t write articles trying to prove it doesn’t exist.” ― Tina Fey, Bossypants ★~ National Pet Day: Did you … Continue reading National Pet Day, Barbershop Quartet Day, 8-Track Cassette Tape Day, Cheese Fondue Day

National Beer Day, World Health Day, No Housework Day, Coffee Cake Day

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ April 7, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote:  “Beer: the cause of – and solution to – all of life's problems.” - Homer J. Simpson ★~ National Beer Day: You foam within our glasses, you lusty golden brew, Whoever imbibes takes fire from you. The young and the old sing your praises, Here's to … Continue reading National Beer Day, World Health Day, No Housework Day, Coffee Cake Day

Tartan Day, Sorry Charlie Day, Caramel Popcorn Day

~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ April 6, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote: In the end, everything will be okay. If it's not okay, it's not yet the end. ~Fernando Sabino  ★~ National Tartan Day: National Tartan Day honors and celebrates Scottish culture and the role it has played in the development of the United States. Canada has been … Continue reading Tartan Day, Sorry Charlie Day, Caramel Popcorn Day

Tell a Lie Day, Cordon Bleu Day

★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~ April 4, 2014 ★~ Today’s Quote: One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. ~Maya Angelou ★~ Tell a Lie Day: This is a pretty straight forward celebration. … Continue reading Tell a Lie Day, Cordon Bleu Day