My fourteen-year-old son and his friend, Pat, decided to build a coffee table for our upstairs TV room. Cole comes from a long line of builders and has some woodwork experience, but this was his first attempt at designing, building and staining without any adult intervention.
It’s very cool for a mom to see her kid move from egg cartoon worms, hand-knitted socks, carved knives and boats to designing and making a coffee table.
Cole has yet to master Origami or napkin folding, which is a little disappointing. On the other hand, he can toss up an apple and slice it midair … which is a video and a story for another post.
Below, Cole’s video explains the process, and shows off a few before and after pictures.

Before power shower...

After Power Shower

First Coat of Stain

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oh. my. goodness. *Seriously* I’ve had carpenters working in my house who clearly couldn’t produce something like this.
Thanks Jane! I can’t even measure myself…so the result of these projects always surprise me…although I do wish he would learn origami or to fold at least to fold a napkin into a swan!
What a cool table!
Way to go, Cole! And Katybeth 🙂
WOW. It looks great.
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Nice! Good work Cole! And the vid is great too!
Thanks Isabel..I think Cole talks like I write so we are a good team
He should be spending more time in the shop with Ricky and Bobby.
In the blood… no doubt.
Maybe he will have a chance this fall to spend some time at the shop. He could learn so much. Scheduling is always a challenge. Yep, in the blood from both sides of the family; my grandfather;his great grandfather was a wonderful craftsman.
I love this piece. I love the design, the shape and straight lines. Cole and his friend Pat did a great job !
Thanks…and the best part is they both just beamed…from a job THEY were proud of….
Fantastic!!!! The table is beautiful. Good work boys.
Cole nice job on the video. We’re eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Love the video! Love to hear your voices! The table is perfect – and I think dancing would be just fine!
I know you were looking for a sectional. Well, I have this OLD, sectional in my basement, I’ve had it since before I got married, see above – OLD. It’s been through a lot….but – if he could fix the springs on one side…and you found a cheap slip-cover – you can have it! I’ll send you pictures if you want. Let me know.
Great job Cole, Pat….. and mom!
Not only is it beautiful, it is sustainable because it comes from recycled wood! Nice job.
(And I suspect that there will be dancing on this table. It is just a matter of time.)
Nicely done! It shows that the talents you and your Dad built together will be with you throughout your life, and you can pass onto your children and more.
It also looks strong enough to dance on. If you ever want to work on something together it would be my pleasure. You can probably teach me things too.
Michael Flanagan
(Annilise’s brother)
Thanks for stopping by Odd!! I will share your offer with Cole
Wow! So talented! Must take after his mom!