Louis Browning, of Shelbyville, Ind., knows what he likes. He has eaten a Twinkie nearly every day since 1941.
Will a Twinkie explode with its plastic wrapper left on?
Twinkie Explosion #3:
- Isabel Liss suggested we leave the Twinkie in the wrapper
- We left the Twinkie in the plastic wrapper.
- This experiment was done twice once for the suggest 45 seconds and once for 1 1/2 minutes.
- In response to PETT-People for Ethical Treatment of Twinkies: We only used Twinkie’s well past their shelf life. We rescued them from the a parking lot dumpster. Ho-Ho gave them a lovely Eulogy speaking eloquently about his pride in these Twinkies that had not exploded in the face of adversity.
This concludes the Twinkie Experiments.
Please take time to vote for Twinkies–Yum or Yuck. The poll is located on the right sidebar of this blog and on Facebook. Glad you were in my Odd neighborhood. Feel free to drop by any time. I would love to hear from you in the comment section of this blog, or on Facebook or Twitter!
You are the only Mom I know that would allow this experiment to take place in their microwave and then agree that the results were disappointing. I don’t know If I should admire you or suggest to your family that they find you some help 😀
Are you suggesting I might need a life? 8)
I am so glad that I can now say with absolute certainty that a Twinkie will not blow up.
Good to know isn’t it! You can ✓ this one off your bucket list.
I had such high hopes for this experiment after the last Microwave fail. Leaving it in the wrapper seemed like such a good idea. I looked at the cat box cake…and thought Kb’s friend must know what she is talking about after all she made a cat box cake. Oh well, all I can ask is can we try it with a Ho Ho?
I share your pain Linda ☹ Really. Perhaps, we will try a Ho Ho or a cupcake in not the to far future so console yourself and stay tune.
I still say because it is a sponge it will never explode. If you want to see a mess in a microwave, put a bowl of tomato soup or something in there and put it on really high for 5 or 6 miutes. You will have a good mess in the microwave. 👿 Most things will burn or get hard. And by the way, I dont for a minute think that you are getting them by dumpster diving. I am upset that you have treated a good tasting twinkie like this. 😀 Yes I am a yum. 😯 lol
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