Rascal has put out a SPA–STOLEN PIG ALERT!! Last seen at Camp Run-A-Pup. The Pig is Pink! Please review this video below for potential clues. Rascal believes this was an in-yard job.
Please, if you have seen Rascal pink pig–leave her a comment!
Looks like there was a couple of thieves in on this caper. Not good atoll.
Tell Rascal that the little piggy is probley long gone now but it was behind the BQ grill. I hope she finds it. If not she will not be so trusting next time she has visitors. 
That was hilarious. A guy can’t turn his back for one second without someone coming along and swiping his pink pig. What a world we live in…poor, Rascal!
I know. Thank you for feeling Rascal’s pain. Her pig, her yard, stolen right out from under her nose. Just not right.
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He was tall, dark and fuzzy…I saw it happen! He went that way!
Thanks for the tip! We are on it!!