~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
April 22
★~ We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. ~Native American Proverb
★~ Today is Earth Day:
★~ The Earth has everything we need: cities, forests, and oceans — all in 3-D. Farms are more expansive then Farmville and the ability they give us to connect out-classes Facebook. You can drive on the Earth, bike on it , and play on it. You can picnic under trees and ski down snowy mountains. Planet Earth defines the term green. The Earth has it all. Life without our beautiful blue orb would very bleak and yet most of us seldom acknowledge, the support our Earth offers us 24/7 in every imaginable language. Perhaps the best way to celebrate Earth Day is to just stop, take a deep breath, and show gratitude to the place from which we all got our start.
★~Today is also Jelly Bean Day:
Jelly beans have been part of Easter since the 1930s, thanks to their egg-like shape. Every Easter Sunday, they share basket space with hard-boiled eggs, chocolate bunnies, and marshmallow Peeps. But this Friday, jelly beans stand apart from the rest of the traditional Easter treats, because Friday is Jelly Bean Day. Take a break from your Earth Day activities to celebrate the jelly bean. How does one celebrate Jelly Bean Day? The best way of course is to enjoy some jelly beans! But, if you’re planning on saving your jelly bean indulgence for Easter Sunday, you could also honor the jelly bean, by wearing an outfit that includes a splash of your favorite jelly bean color
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1878- The first Egg Roll was held on the grounds of the White House in Washington, DC. The first president on hand for the first Egg Roll was Rutherford B. The Egg Roll is held the day after Easter on the South Lawn of the White House, hosted by the President of the United States and the First Lady. The Vice President and his wife also attend the event as do other noted celebrities, including the official White House Easter Bunny. The Egg Roll usually follows a traditional Easter Egg Hunt on the grounds, as well. Roll on!
♥~ 1931 – A contraption known as the autogyro landed on the lawn of the White House. Before the Secret Service could come out with guns blazing, President Herbert Hoover shook hands with pilot, James G. Ray, and gave him a trophy! Don’t try this today.
♥~ 1970 – The first Earth Day was observed — with the purpose of reclaiming the purity of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the environment we live in. With the slogan “Give Earth a Chance,” Earth Day continues to be celebrated on this anniversary or on the vernal equinox.
♥~ 1978 – John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd made their first ever appearance as The Blues Brothers when they appeared on US TV’s ‘Saturday Night Live’.
★~Born Today:
♥~1906 – Eddie Albert (Edward Albert Heimberger) actor: Green Acres, Teahouse of the August Moon, Roman Holiday; died May 26, 2005
♥~ 1923 – Aaron Spelling Emmy Award-winning executive producer: Day One, AT&T Presents [1988-1989], And the Band Played On [1993-1994]; Charlie’s Angels, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place; died June 23, 2006
♥~ 1937 – (John Joseph) Jack Nicholson Academy Award-winning actor: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest [1975], Terms of Endearment [1983], As Good as It Gets [1997]; Five Easy Pieces, The Shining, Batman, Broadcast News, Chinatown, Easy Rider, Prizzi’s Honor, The Witches of Eastwicke, Little Shop of Horrors, A Few Good Men
♥~ 1950 – Peter Frampton guitarist, singer: Show Me the Way, Do You Feel Like We Do, I Can’t Stand it No More.
★~ Did You Know: The earliest recorded advertisement for jelly beans appeared during the Civil War, when a candymaker named William Schrafft promoted sending them to Union soldiers on the battlefield.
♥~ Traditional jelly beans are flavored on the outside, but not the inside. The chewy center is the same sugary pectin whether the shell is red, green, or yellow.
♥~ Jelly beans are often used to screen pregnant women for gestational diabetes. Subjects are asked to consume 18 jelly beans in two minutes. Afterward their blood sugar level is tested to see if it falls within a healthy range.
♥~ It takes 7 to 21 days to make a jelly bean.
♥~ There are 130 calories and 37 grams of sugar in one serving of jelly beans which equals about 35 jelly beans.
♥~ Most jelly bean assortments include eight flavors.
♥~ In the early 20th century, a “jelly-bean” was slang for a man of style and no substance.
♥~ Peak jelly bean season is Easter, but that is a recent development which began in the 1930‘s. The jelly bean is associated with Easter because of its egg-like shape.
Why did the Jelly bean want to go to school?
I hope you don’t keep these great jokes I am sharing with you to yourself! They are true gems and worthy of passing on to friends and foes alike.
Jack Nicholson was one of Joe’s favorite actors. The weekend before Cole was born, Joe insisted on a Jack Nicholson marathon. We watched so many Nicholson movies that I was certain Cole would arrive, take one look at me, and say, “Do I ice her? Do I marry her? Which one of these?” (Prizzi’s Honor-1985).
Earth Day. Sheesh. I admit it—we don’t even recycle. Chicago does not require it or make it easy, but we do try to do our part in other ways—for example, there was the fist fight I started between a taxi driver and another driver after the taxi driver threw his litter out of his car window. In all seriousness, we do feel a great deal of gratitude for the planet we live on and try to find ways to help make sure we spin on for thousands of years to come.
The jelly bean. I love them, but I bet you knew that . . . but did you also know I loved peeps? I do. What kind of Easter candy is your favorite?
Morno-o Kb! Happy Jelly Bean Day! Earth Day!
Love those chocolate marshmallow eggs- the one’s that come in Styrofoam cartons and are usually way old. I like Peeps but only one or two. I had know idea so much information was available about jelly beans!
Love Jack N. Great picture of him.
The jokes? Awful! Of-course I share them!
Have a great day.
The cheap Easter Candy—so yummy. I was a little surprised that jelly beans were such a popular subject but they have bean around a long time.
TGIF. Looking forward to a long weekend. We have Monday off.
Love all Easter Candy. Especially the milk chocolate. Why does it take so long to make a jelly bean?
Peter Frampton is great.
I am off! See you later alligator.
I have no idea why it takes so long to make a jelly bean….it just does.
After while crocodile.
I wish MY doc had used jelly beans to test for gestational diabetes. I got that nasty orange drink instead. Barf!
Even the good doc’s sometime have a hard time going with something a little less conventional. . .Harder to say eat 14 Jelly beans than to say drink this very official looking, awful tasting orange drink. Barf.
Favorite—Peeps!!! And this year—Dark Chocolate Dipped Peeps. Watching my diet but did indulge in one little package of them! YUM!
Chocloate covered marshmello eggs. Even a little bit old they are great. I also love jelly beans, especially the black ones. I hate peeps, to sticky.
Happy Easter everyone!
Great Stuff—
I——– like Joe am a big fan of Jack. I can host a movie marathon in his honor for the holiday- that would be fun-to me!
Love Jack and jelly beans…
Happy Easter, Katybeth!