~★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
April 21,2011
★~Today’s Quote: An unwatched pot boils immediately. ~H.F. Ellis
★~ Gimme a high five Day:
As a matter of fact, give everyone you see a High Five!The “High Five” is a celebratory slapping of hands atop raised arms. It’s been a standard for celebration of sporting victories, special event, competitions and many other activities for decades. It’s fun, and easy to celebrate this special day. Give a High Five to everyone you see. This includes friends, family, passersby, and total strangers. The more high fives you give, the better.
★~ Chocolate Covered Cashew Day!
Roasted cashews coated in rich milk chocolate are not a burden to celebrate and it gets even better…Cashews are rich in all kinds of things that are good for you so they are a treat you can eat without guilt.
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1856 –The first rail train to pass over the mighty Mississippi River between Davenport, Iowa and Rock Island, IL made its journey across a newly completed bridge between the two rail centers.
♥~ 1959 – The largest fish ever hooked by a rod and reel was landed by Alf Dean. Ol’ Alf told the fellas down at the marina about the 16-foot, 10-inch white shark that weighed in at 2,664 pounds! Dean made the historic catch in South Australia.
♥~ 1963 –The Beatles and The Rolling Stones met for the first time together, at the Crawdaddy Club in Richmond, England. The Stones opened show.
♥~ 1984 – Michael Jackson’s Thriller album slipped a couple of notches from number 1 to number 3 on the pop album charts. Michael needn’t have been too upset. Thriller was number one for 37 weeks, setting a record in music history for the longest run at the top.
♥~ 1986 – A record audience watched as the long-sealed vault of racketeer, Al Capone was opened during a much-hyped TV special. Guess what? All that Geraldo found were broken bottles and no trace that Capone and his gang had ever stashed anything there.
♥~ 1997 – The ashes of 1960s LSD guru Timothy Leary and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry were blasted into space (actually an orbit of the Earth) in the world’s first space funeral.
★~Born Today:
Friedrich Froebel, invented kindergarten. Little Freddy was born on this day in 1782 in Germany. He grew up to become a teacher, author and toy maker. Friedrich’s experience as an educator led him to the conclusion that playtime can be very instructive; an essential part of a child’s education. He founded the first kindergarten for this purpose in 1837 in Blankenburg, Germany. This directed playtime led to his invention of a series of toys that were designed to stimulate learning. He called these toys, gifts. The mother of famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright gave her son some of these gifts … in the form of maple wood blocks. Wright often spoke of the value the gifts had brought him throughout his life. Now put your paper and paste away; it’s time to find out who else was born today.
♥~ 753BC– Rome. Although nobody knows for sure that Rome was founded in 753BC or on April 21 when in Rome do what the Italians do and today they celebrate Rome’s 2764 birthday. Lets skip the candles, though.
♥~ 1915 – Anthony Quinn Academy Award-winning actor: Viva Zapata! [1952], Lust for Life [1956]; The Guns of Navarone, The Inheritance, The Old Man and the Sea, Zorba the Greek; died June 3, 2001
♥~ 1926 – Queen Elizabeth II (Elisabeth Mary) Queen of the United Kingdom [1952- ]; eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon; married Philip Mountbatten [1947]: four children: Charles [Prince of Wales], Anne, Andrew, Edward
♥~ 1951 –Tony Danza actor: Family Law, Who’s the Boss, Taxi, Angels in the Outfield, Baby Talk; TV talk show host: The Tony Danza Show [co-executive producer]
★~ Did You Know:
♥~ National High Five Day holiday has the distinct boasting point of having a scholarship program.
♥~ The high five has its solid place in pop culture thanks to David Puddy (“Seinfeld”) and his over-enthusiasm for the random high five, as well as Barney Stinson on “How I Met Your Mother.”
♥~ According to Dictionary.com, the noun “high five” was “originally U.S. basketball slang” from 1980, but recognize “the greeting itself seems to be older (e.g. Dick Shawn in ‘The Producers,’ 1968).” They attribute its first use as a verb in 1981. Other two-handed gestures include the victory clasp, two thumbs up and jazz hands.
♥~ The cashew originated in Brazil.
♥~ The United States consumes over 90% of the world’s cashew crop
♥~ A cashew is technically not a nut. It’s a seed stemming from the bottom of the cashew apple which grows on trees.
♥~ The fruit bark juice and the nut oil from cashews are both said to be folk remedies for calluses, corns, and warts, cancerous ulcers, and even elephantiasis.
♥~ The cashew is Teresa Marie’s favorite nut.
All I really needed to know I learned in Kindergarten
- Share everything.
- Play fair.
- Don’t hit people.
- Put things back where you found them.
- Clean up your own mess.
- Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
- Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody.
- Wash your hands before you eat.
- Flush.
- Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
- Live a balanced life
- Take a nap every afternoon.
- When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic,
- Hold hands, and stick together.
- Be aware of wonder.
- Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup – they all die. So do we.
- Remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned – the biggest word of all – LOOK.
~excerpt from Robert Fulghum book
What did you learn in Kindergarten? If you have a chance drop Odd a comment because Odd loves company! Oh and don’t forget the most important kindergarten rule of all, when you go out into the world hold hands and stick together.
Rome does not look at day over 2,000. She has aged well.
High Five! Have a good one
Rome has aged well! Must be all that good food and vino!
Ciao! (High Five)
High FIVE!
Love cashew and Love them even more with chocolate.
Have a great day.
Great combinations, isn’t it?
Thanks for dropping by Odd!
High Five!! I don’t remember kindergarten. I know I didn’t cry the first day. I probably learned all of the above plus a few new songs to sing. I entered kindergarten 2 weeks after my 5th bday (just made the cut) so I was a young one. Puddy gets a mention?? Very cool.
I had no idea who Puddy was until I wrote this–So many finer points of life left to learn…I am sure you were a very cute kindergartener!
LOVE cashews! Now I know what I’ll bring to work with me tomorrow.
Well there you go “smarty pants!” a tasty and healthy treat to munch while you make sure our wiki’s and dictionaries are accurate!
Yikes…Tony Danza is 60…I feel old!
I learned in kindergarten not to piss my teacher off…she used to have one of those flyswatters with the metal screens on them, and would use that on naughty kids! We were all petrified of her!
I know he surprised me too. What a mean kindergarten teacher. I don’t like her!