★~♥~♥~★~ El Morno! ♥~★~★~♥ ~
November 15th, 2013
★~ Today’s Quote: It’s easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world. ~ Al Franken
★~ Recycle Day:
Since you are judged by the company you keep…I consider myself a first-rate recycler. My dad’s garbage men tip him at Christmas. Cousin Carla turns empty plastic liter soda bottles into water wings for kids. I even know people who do not use paper towels. Based on my criteria I am first class recycler. And that is not all…I now throw ALL my coke bottles into the big blue garbage can—Baby steps.
What do you think the top recycled item is?
★~ Clean Out Your Fridge Day:
It is time to toss all those old Chinese food cartons, ancient condiments, and potential science experiments and make room for Thanksgiving fixings and leftovers that will be clogging your refrigerator (and arteries) later this month!
What five things do you always keep in your fridge or freezer?
Raisin Bran Day:
The most commonly recognized rasin brand is Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Crunch however, the raisin-bran combination has actually been around since 1926, when it started as Skinner’s Raisin Bran. The “raisin bran” moniker was once trademarked, but usage limitations fell by the wayside as the term became widespread.
How many raisins, on average, do you think are in a box of Raisin Bran cereal?
★~ Today in History:
♥~ 1900 – Andrew Carnegie established the Carnegie Technical Schools in Pittsburgh PA. The school(s) became Carnegie Institute of Technology/Carnegie Tech in 1912 and Carnegie-Mellon University in 1967.
♥~ 1966 – The flight of Gemini 12 ended successfully as astronauts James A. Lovell and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin Jr. splashed down safely in the Atlantic.
♥~ 1969 – The first Wendy’s Hamburgers opened. Dave Thomas started the company with one restaurant in downtown Columbus, Ohio. He named the company after his second youngest daughter. When Thomas died in January 2002, the Wendy’s chain had grown to more than 6,000 restaurants worldwide, with a reputation for fresh, high quality food, and fast and friendly service. In 1995, Wendy’s merged with Tim Hortons, Canada’s largest coffee and fresh baked goods chain, that totals more than 2,000 units. Together, the two chains have system sales exceeding $8 billion.
♥~1980 – After years of success on the music charts with the New Christy Minstrels and the First Edition, Kenny Rogers got his first #1 song. Lady, written by Lionel Richie, stayed at the top for six weeks.
♥~ 1991 – The 28-foot-tall Free Stamp (sculpture?) by Claes Oldenburg was inaugurated in Willard Park in the heart of Cleveland, OH.
♥~ 2005 – The FBI arrested Candice R. Martinez, a 19-year-old woman suspected of robbing four Virginia banks while talking on her cell phone. Martinez got a 12-year prison sentence in 2006.
★~Born Today:
♥~ 1887 – Described as one of the major American artists of the 20th century, Georgia O’Keeffe was born at Sun Prairie, WI. In 1924 she married the famous photographer Alfred Stieglitz. His more than 500 photographs of her have been called “the greatest love poem in the history of photography.” O’Keefe painted desert landscapes and flower studies. When asked why she chose flowers as her subject, she said, “Because they’re cheaper than models and they don’t move
♥~ 1929 – Edward Asner Emmy Award-winning actor: The Mary Tyler Moore Show
♥~ 1932 – Petula Clark Grammy Award-winning singer [1965]: Downtown, I Know a Place, This is My Song, My Love
★~ Good to Know: Awesome!
I’m off to take pictures of the class of 2014 and the VW Bug of 1973. FUN!
Hope you have a fabulous Friday.
Odd Loves Company!
It looks like we are both early birds today. Our garbage has to practically be gift wrapped before the garbage men will take it. God forbid you should throw an aluminum can in with the regular garbage. My answer to the number 1 recycled item: Aluminum.
I usually keep my fridge stocked with butter, cheese, eggs, milk, and beer. That is not everything in my fridge but you’ll usually find those things. It could use a good wipe down.
Half day today and then I’m on the road visiting friends until Tuesday. Good golf and good company. I’ll check in as often as I can.
Have a good one.
Yes we were! I was about up at the crack of dawn. My parents have to take great care with their garbage. It would drive me nuts.
Have a great time on your trip. Check in when you can, we’ll leave the light on!
We are great recyclers, too. I learned from the best of them. My mom saves wax paper from the inside of cereal boxes to put fresh out of the oven cookies. 5 things things always in my fridge: butter, almond milk, eggs, apples and yogurt. Not all that exciting but necessary.
As for that video—I showed the hubby and he commented that the trucks were going slowly. Expect to see him in a similar video with faster moving trucks—-he is superman!
Your Mom was GOOD. Nice selection of foods!
Your hubby is very amusing! Be sure to take a video when he decides to give it a whirl and a cape might be a nice touch–goggles? I’m think epic, viral…..
Answers: Plastic. Gel packs, milk, eggs, cheese, salad stuff. 51.
I like raisins & bran separately & definitely not in milk. Texture thing again with me.
37* & 45* lows the past two days. Nice! Expected highs in low 80s this weekend……. Fun seeing Nik so frisky! I’m sure neighbors weren’t as thrilled hearing her barking during our 5am walks. Sorry.
Good day!
Plastic is a very close second to Aluminum.51? In a BOX of Raisin Brand? Have you seen those cool posts for keeping and making salads in a mason jar? http://goo.gl/5JKpVM I thought these were very cool.
Speaking of cool I’m glad your are experiencing some fall weather! Just a little El Morno Bark-o!
Whoa that video is something else ^ Beth Ann very funny.
My Answers: 1) Aluminum, wine 2) yogurt, milk, bread, tomatoes silly putty 3) Box 700.
The first answer is right! Of-course you have silly putty in the fridge–it keeps it fresh. I remember. There are 1000 raisins in a box of Raisin Bran—now if you are looking for a rainy day activity….If your kids count I will feature there results on Odd! Take pictures.
Okay, I’ll play. Five things always in the fridge: yoghurt, ketchup, eggs, milk, carrots.
I like Raisin Bran and had a bowl yesterday morning. No idea how many raisins there are (though the ad, I believe, promises “two scoops”!)
Carnegie’s saying is quite profound — and probably very true!
Our community doesn’t recycle. Shh, don’t tell, okay?! Seriously, I’d recycle if I could and we tried it for a while but nobody seemed to want to participate. Guess it’s hard getting folks to try new ways.
I’ve already walked DDD and done a load of clothes, so the rest of today is MINE!!
Carrots sound good. I love the snap of a raw carrot. 1000 raisins in the box.
I feel the same way about recycling.
Sounds like you start the day on a roll! Hope you every minute of the rest of YOUR day.
Rasin Bran would probably be all right if it didn’t have rasins in it!
My fridge, O.J. ,V8, eggs, cheese and wine.
Just Bran wouldn’t be tasty either. I just think it’s a ban combo. If we were paired on a reality show called, “What’s in her fridge,” I think we would win.