Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.
Big Collective AWWWWWWWWW.
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Sam and I enjoyed a little ‘bonding’ watching the sloths. Soooo precious.
Mother/Son bonding over cute sloth pictures…I think you put the cherry on top of Cute!
What a unique creature. Thank you for sharing. And you are correct they are pretty cute.
I love their long toes and finger…and the way they seem to be smiling at you!
Thanks for dropping by Odd.
Oh all right, they’re cute but Trink is cuter!
DM (Dear Mother)
*Trinket is pretty cute…but I would have to take another look at the video to be sure she is cuter….
DD (Dear Daughter)
* Trinket is my mother Doberman Show Pup.
Very cute! The last one looked like Ozzy Ozbourn back in the day.
Very observant..I think you have be right, he does look a lot like Ozzy! How many toes did Ozzy have (you know, most Sloth only have three)
Thanks for dropping by Odd!
uh …..anything cuter than a sloth? a baby, a puppy, a kitten, a teenager, a squirrel, a pony, almost anything, kb!!!!
Oh elaine…you must not have watched this!!! You of all people would think baby sloth’s were cute…want one….and find the rest good homes!!
Thanks for dropping by Odd.
Sorry Trinket, I think that’s about the cutest thing I have EVER seen!!!! I love how everything they do is in slow motion. Never a hurry. Humm, what does a sloth do when he’s in a hurry???
Very good question Adelaide…what does a sloth do when its hungry???
Whoa, stop me before I french kiss one of those cuties!
I think you may have gone just a little to far…!
Ryan was just saying last night that he wanted a sloth!!! We loved this video – I am sorry Auntie Poo but I think the baby slothes are cuter than Trinket too!! Love you!!
Well Molly, your Ferret is pretty cute so maybe Ryan can pretend its a sloth.
Love you too!