Random Real Me Reviews

Random Bumper sticker

This year’s Random Odd reviews are all about the real you. Interestingly, we didn’t have any duplicate items submitted, but items did fall into categories, for example, gadgets, appliances, spiritual, and creative. I thought about organizing the items into such categories, but I’d rather be random. Spaghetti.

As always, our reviewers did an outstanding job. Each review is witty, clever, funny, and irrelevant. Wait. I meant irreverent. Actually, I think I meant both of those things. No, never irrelevant. I digress. If you would like to find out what Pooh character you are, please click: What Pooh Character am I?

Feel free to look at the pictures submitted to be reviewed, read the review, and add your comments or ask questions. In fact. add your comments to each review because we will chose one to win a random gift card to a random place for a random amount. Some random person has to win, it could be you!

I wasn’t sure this year how to introduce each review. When we reviewed “purses,” I could write about Queen Elizabeth’s purse; when we reviewed “shoes” I could share the history of high heels. This year reviews are more diverse, so I’m using random as my guide post. Great Dane.

Maybe we’ll also play some guessing games for extra entries into the final drawing. For example, I loved all the items, especially one. Here’s a hint: I want it.  See if you can figure out which item I want  to own, or coerce the owner into giving me .

And now without further ado, we shall commence with our first reviews. We will OPEN with Beth Ann’s object de jour.

Submitted by: Beth Ann 

Random Reviews

Reviewer: So Soo Mee

When I first saw this picture I had no idea what it was. With no frame of reference I could not even begin to guess what it said about its owner.  Now I find out it is some kind of hand made, old fashioned jar opener.  Finally I can begin to see what this person must be like.  Stalwart, dependable and hard working.  This is a person who does not need a lot of bells and whistles.  This person is a friend that you can call in a time of need.  This is the friend who shows up and cleans your dishes and does your laundry in a time of crisis.  They don’t need the accolades and chances are they don’t get them near as often as they deserve to.  This person, much like their trusty jar opener will stand the test of time.

Reviewer: Roget Houston

This site has many different types of followers. What I can’t understand is how an Amish person got involved. After all, aren’t you against computers, as a rule? Anyway, I LOVE that you found a creative solution to your jar-opening problem. I always look at things and ask, “What can I do with this?” and not just “What was this made to do?” I was once known as the king of creative problem solving. The king is dead! Long live the new royal family. I also think it’s very special that this is the item you chose to define yourself. To me, it says that you are a person who is not afraid to think outside the box. Actually, you might not be thinking inside the building that the box is in. You’re thinking more in a forest area, on a bed of ferns, with a nimble deer scooting by. Not only are you looking at things differently, most importantly, YOU ARE NOT AFRAID TO DO IT. I can’t give anyone’s impression of this but my own, and I think it’s a great life choice.

Trivia Questions:

The US Army used the P-38 variant can opener. It was known by troops as the ‘actor’, who used it in Army demonstration film. Who was the actor? 

A. Gary Cooper
B. John Wayne
C. Spencer Tracy

Submitted By: Stevie

Random Reviews

Reviewer: Eustace Hammer

I am assuming that this smart and noble person is sending me a picture of their lap-top as the item that makes them happy and that they can’t live without.  This is not unusual and therefore not how I knew that this item was from a smart and noble person.  I know that this person meets the smart and noble criteria because I spy a Dallas Cowboy star to the left of the computer.  I’m going to assume that, like me, they developed their love of the Cowboys back when Roger Staubach was the quarterback and they were crowned America’s team and their stadium was built so God could watch.  However, I digress.

Knowing that this computer belongs to a smart and noble person I am going to guess that the reason this item makes them so happy is because they use it to do smart and noble things like Skyping with family, donating to worthy causes and following creative and well written (but somewhat ODD) blog posts.  While not completely original this person as we have discussed is a smart and noble soul.

Reviewer: C. Colin Backslash

A computer can be such a good tool. In the end, it can only do what we tell it to do. Its every action is a response to one of ours. In that way, then, a computer can be an excellent mirror, a picture of ourselves. With social media, we post pictures and sayings and show people some of ourselves; at the same time, we see what others have posted. With our applications and games, we show how we spend our free time and what types of things are of interest to us. With e-mails, we communicate to the world. Finally, of course, with the Internet, we see that everyone has a voice and that the hard part is finding whose is worth listening to. And the porn, of course.

I think it’s totally cool that you chose a computer for this. It can really be anything you want it to, which makes this person harder to pin down but easier to find out about. Cool!

The first e-mail was sent

A. 1965
B. 1971
C. 1982


Thank you to our first Submitters and Reviewers! Don’t forget to do your part and include your thoughts, comments, and nail clipping in the comments. I’ll be back soon with more “Real Me” reviews.

Yes, you can still submit a a picture of something near and dear to your heart for review. But HURRY UP. (According to a May report from Motor Trend, the slowest moving car is the Smart ForTwo, which takes 14.70 seconds to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour) 

Odd Loves Company



16 thoughts on “Random Real Me Reviews

  1. Pingback: Great American Grump Out, Roast Leg of Lamb Day - Odd Loves Company

  2. Reviews are funny. That jar opener looks real handy. And while my lap top isn’t one of my favorite things I would be hard pressed to try and live without it and I never thought I would admit it but I miss it when we lose internet.

    • The jar opener does look handy and I love that is fits under the counter. Funny, how computers now top the list of the one thing most of us do not want to be without.

  3. Thanks – love the reviews! I sent the pic of the laptop as something I could not do without – not really my “favorite” thing. I use it for all mentioned above and I really don’t like my phone….screen is too small for these old eyes, even with readers, so I prefer the laptop. Yes, I LOVE the Dallas Cowboys! I am a lifelong fan and remember when Roger Staubach was our star QB and Tom Landry was our beloved coach. Thanks 😀

  4. Thanks for the great review—-I am far from Amish!!! The jar opener was made by Al Dowds who was a parishioner in the church where I worked. While Al was a little crusty and very opinionated and turned a lot of folks off I loved him for his honesty and passion for life. He invented this slick little jar opener and it has moved with me from a couple of houses . With a husband who traveled a lot I found myself in need of a strong arm often and this little thing does the trick as my thing I could not live without. I am not sure it symbolizes me other than it is handy to have around when it is needed—kind of like me—handy to have around when you need someone to step in. Oh —and I do have the nimble deer scooting by in my back yard so you got that part right, Roget! Fun review!

    • I think it does a good job of symbolizing you. Well loved, useful, without being pushy. And it shows off your ability to charm little old church men.

  5. Congrats to the reviewers — I’d have been hard-pressed to find anything near as clever to write on these interesting(?) items. Yes, I’m a HUGE fan of my laptop, but I’d have had no idea what Beth Ann’s jar opener even was! Well done, all!

    • Beth Ann had to give a few hints about the jar opener but it does appear to be very handy.
      Lap top, is on my grab before leaving a burning house list.

  6. Pingback: Mugs and Thieves - Odd Loves Company

  7. Pingback: Coffee and Nicho - A Few Of Our Favorite Things - Odd Loves Company

  8. Had no idea about the jar opener. I like it the way it is stashed under the cabinet.
    I did recognize the laptop though. I’m also in the camp of not wanting to do without.

  9. Pingback: Random Review 5: Cooking Pot and Nuwave - Odd Loves Company

  10. Pingback: Bear, Boombox and Jerry Garcia Oh My! - Odd Loves Company

  11. Pingback: Will Trade Baby for Iphone and Designer Shoes - Odd Loves Company

  12. Pingback: Flip Flops and Witches - Random Reviews - Odd Loves Company

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